The Cursed
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  • ah, those are easy, you don't need tips for it, you just need creative, and it's something I can't give any tip.
    Being obsessed, eh? When did you start to get interested in design and GFX btw?

    That's quite some goal there. Hope you have the determination and what it takes to get there.

    What do I do? As in studies? Currently majoring Japanese literature; studying the language and social studies.

    Haha, ID number is just a matter of when the account is created anyway lol.

    Sure, you can challenge me if you want.
    I don't know what you do, so I can't give any tips????

    What battle is it btw? I was typing randomly
    Just ask anyone you want to have a battle with then?
    Haha, IGCSE... well good luck with that. Signature making is just an hobby to you anyway is it not.
    By no. 2, are you referring to my user ID #? It's because Tessu took the initiative to set the forum up, then we worked on it together, if that answers your question?
    okay *exhales*
    I know I am new here and not much of the people know me here
    but I wanted to say that this will be my last time posting on this site until the end of my IGCSE examinations which will be held in May/June 2011
    so I guess I will not be competeing with Iggy sensei or the others for a while
    I am sorry that I will not be able to help the site in this intial stage I really wanted to help but well personal affairs have well given me no choice but to quit the internet
    @Pinkilicious you can withdraw me from the SOTM because I will not be able to vote for the others(if there is such rule)
    @Xaltis you can also withdraw my character from your RPG
    @Iggy I am sorry that I can not stay and help you develop this site like I had said in the past
    but I will be back if my account has not been closed by the end of June
    Because there has been no one to suggest it, and I guess it's better to let the interest of our members here in GFX increase first. We haven't even finished our first signature competition. And if battling me is all you want, why not just challenge me on SH or something?

    Also, what faithful followers? Do I even have followers?
    I was thinking about it, but I guess I should just wait for more people to join it.
    I didn't see a name for your RPG character in your post. Are you just going with your username on here?

    And I'm assuming your character is Male right?
    What's your screen resolution? Like, 1024x768? Pretty sure that's what causes it, because it looks normal even when I'm using a notebook with only 1280x800 resolution.

    I do know what welcome box is, and I do realise that the Brave theme is quite problematic, too... but could you provide a screenshot with captions to point out whatever you mean? It's quite hard to figure out just by verbal description.
    Sure, you're welcome. ^^ Will you tell me about what shitotaku is saying about more attraction for AS? :]
    Mmm well have fun with the GFX stuff. And if you want my comments maybe you better post the thing on my profile.

    Welcome box on the Brave theme? I think it's just okay though... or maybe can you be a little more detailed (I'm just lazy too dig out the CSS lol)
    lols okay well, tell me when u want to post it in sh chat or send me a vm in sh.
    I am ready anytime o.O today is fine too.
    eh? my gender is mixed here iirc o.O and yea saturday is fine, i thought uwanted freestyle? anyways any is fine for me
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