The BGM really worked well with your video! And the part with the practical demonstration was spectacular! :D
So, good to know there wasn't any complications with your teacher. I had some kind teachers in the past, but I think the "scary" ones were in higher numbers. lol
That was until I went to the university. I think I became a little more responsible when that happened, and actually liked most of my teachers!
By the way, I searched about web players for a while and noticed the 'loop' feature I mentioned was absent in the few different examples I found (including at, so no worries... Guess there's not much we can do about it, huh?
Oh, and I let a little word slide from my last message. xD
I think it was looking a bit rude, so I'm correcting it now:
I'll keep commenting once in a while on your blog, if you don't mind, that is. lol
Can't wait for the jazz samples! The tracks you posted from Oni were amazing... I'm glad he dropped that dark/obscure life and is now making great tunes like those!
See you later!