Your inbox is full~
I'll send my message here okay?
And I won't worry about the 'split' thing~ :3
Of course I'll download them~
You're helping me expand my music horizons~ I appreciate that and the lyrics too~
Translations... you and your buddies sure are working hard~ ^^
Lol... I wouldn't if you shared... It's understandable if you don't though~
Tupac... I have heard some of his stuff, but I do agree that the lyrics, flow, energy, rhythm etc. are different from the tracks you sent me.
"R&R" album... Yeah... I did enjoy it.~ You are right about it... pretty simple and smooth... not too much, just enough.
I'll enjoy each one that you shared to its fullest whenever, wherever possible~ ^^
Much love to you too~
I can wish and pray for your health, but I'm not too sure if they'll do much. Please do get better, enjoy what you like, eat and drink what you like, and find ways to smile and laugh more~
Covering health care might help those with low income or unsure about their plans that one day decide to live there...
Still, it's up to you... I personally wouldn't such a topic.~