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  • Ja ik was het net aan het kijken toen ik dacht "even kijken of ik ergens bericht heb" nu daar heb je het. Ik denk trouwens dat het wel meer afleveringen zal krijgen, ik zit nu op drie en het is al best leuk. Ik vind het ook erg leuk bedacht XD
    Ah, klinkt als muziek in mijn oren. (het is best vreemd om NL te typen, ik wil alles in het engels doen XD) anyway, hoe gaat het met je?
    Hahah, dat is slim. Ik ben lid van 5 sites die ik allemaal onderhou. Het is best vermoeiend maar wel leuk omdat je meer mensen ontmoet. BTW heb je nog nieuwe goede anime's gezien?
    Het gaat goed, Ik was weg voor een tijdje. Hoe gaat ie met jou. BTW heb je nog gekeken naar dat andere forum ?
    :nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed::nosebleed:I love number 2 alot :dthumbup: DOUBLE THUMBS UP :D!
    ummm i dont really ave a favorite character XD any thing would work that matches
    srry abt your name heheheheh...I promise i'll spell it corecctly right after I wake up;)........:rant:
    I would love one :D! and offcourse we can be friends :3
    Lol yeah wish the weather could be better too, hoping it's not suddenly gonna be bloodhot again lol

    And congrats on finishing school mang, as for me I just wanna get the schoolyear started and get IB over with hehe

    You got a Twitter? (๑◕∀◕๑)
    I fine
    thanks for caring unown-kun :3

    i had some bad thing that happened to me this week though... something that may make me be without internet for unknown time ._.
    it may won't happened though... but who knows....

    Also i still don't got that darn HDMI cable xD

    luckly i have other games and animes to play, watch atm so i don't mind... for now xD

    I wanted to chat with you more on Skype but you don't seem to be on that much :x

    How you been btw? xD

    P.S i don't cheat in games D:
    no THANK YOU its my pleasure to invite yeah i am glad the community here are so friendly as a pack of cute kittens xD
    Hiya, unownHGSS, a quick question if that's okay.
    What is the name of the game from your latest "{ Ecchi Picture Of The Day }" reply?
    Thanks in advance ;)
    Well, i'm done with those siggies XD
    And now i must learn about render, filters, and clouds on PS.
    Next contest will be a hard one..
    So i try to make some changes on mine :3

    You know, my works on past was normal.. i said it general XD
    Just takes some images and change the BG, i can't stand it anymore.
    You too must learn more about PS stuff unown :3
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