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  • Yooo just dropping by (○´∀`)ノ

    How you doing? hope all is cool
    Going to Parkpop tomorrow?
    he he same

    i don't want to sleep yet, but the moment i touch the bed... i done for the rest of the night :surprised: :sleepmoon:

    sorry for replying so late btw, sleepy and don't notice your replying xD
    i fine thanks : P

    a bit sleepy though...

    strange it the first year that i am so sleepy in the summer... i usually fall asleep in the winter.. but summer~ where the summer holidays are occurs.. never = o!

    how are you btw?
    Hellu. I love your picture in your signature and your avatar. Very pretty. Who is that? I hope we can become good friends ^.^
    thank you for accepting : P

    to be honest i thought that u already was in my friend list xD

    btw what Yoroshiku mean? :reallyconfused:
    Hello unown~ ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

    I am very gracious for receiving your comment. (⌒▽⌒)

    Thank you so much for caring. I'm sure I can handle it... mostly family problems. My parents talked with my relatives and they know what's best for that particular problem (It's about my aunt)~ (; ̄ェ ̄)

    I believe I have heard of the quote except I don't recall the word 'forum' to be in there. (⌒.−)=★

    Much love and blessings for you and those you cherish~ See you~ ヾ(☆▽☆)
    Unown~~ (^o^)/ *run to you to huggles you *
    How are you~?

    Wow! I wish you good luck then!! And when you finished, I my exam just started... =_=

    Yepp.. really harsh right?? Q.Q

    Wel, luckily in Amnesia, you already choose the route from the start~ so don't worry~ XD

    *X_X /me getting the smoke to my eyes*
    U-until *cough cough* next time (XoX)/
    You deserve a glomp... A wonderful person such as yourself needs a little love~ ^^

    Your gracious words mean a lot to me. I'll be sure to keep my head up.~

    Haha... I'm sure everyone appreciates you making time to visit AS.

    No matter what happens, we'll all love you... even those around you. So, don't be too deterred from your hectic plans. Keep going~

    I'm physically fine... just emotionally tired. I'll keep living one step at a time for now~

    My best wishes to you. See you~ ^^
    Lol well i dont cuz i dont have any~

    Well technically who has more than 99% has 100% but only one person has it showing that they have 100% Everyone else gets other numbers xD

    Of course you can randomly pop up and steal my food from half way across the world xD

    The flight was 13 or 14 hours~ Youre quite off ;p

    Well it was all just walking around and not exactly stores only cuz some of them set up shop on the streets during the day~

    Im not sure it will xD I think the bugs that bit me were while i was sleeping and probably cuz i was sleeping close to the wall...
    Hmm manly pink? xD

    Lol i was spamming slightly less during finals~ Studies took tons of time...
    Hmm save some for you... nah ;p All mineeeeeeeeee xD You can haz left overs~ if theres any :evillaugh: But well foods here isnt too expensive anyhow~
    I watched the movies they showed and played about 2hrs worth of games before the battery died~ Also drew tons~

    Lol tons of shopping every day~ I dont particularly like shopping but that also means foods~
    Bugs... cant do too much about them cuz i have no idea when the bite :/
    Hello there...~

    /me glomp unown xD

    I'm peachy-keen... just a few personal and family problems, but they'll work out in the end.

    You're so busy... with exams, work, and your social life... D: Keep fighting! Please be well. All the best to you~

    I send my good thoughts and love to you as well... Until next time, see you again~ ^^
    Hiya unown~ (^o^)/

    Well, I'm glad If my prayer is heard~ I also hope it will work for you~ ^^

    Nope, nope, I didn't redo the exam, but all things.. but only just for that subject though~ So its like in 3 month (include mid exam and final exam) I must learn all things that I supposedly learn for 6 month.. :/

    Thanks~~ :blushing:

    Well~ its Visual novel~ I hope you like it though~ My favourite story in that game is in Ukyou route.. which now become my favourite character (my ava and my siggy) :goodtea:

    Lol~ its okay to be long~~ its fun to reply it you know~~ ^^

    And thank you once more~~ I hope you good luck too!
    Hihi person who has a pink profile o.o hmm well there was at least two others xD

    Hmm doing fine atm :3 How about you?~ Though i suppose if you can still sit around spamming it isnt all that bad ;p
    Mwahahaha hk and all the good food :D Im going to get poofy xD Ill be here for somewhat more than two weeks~

    Take care? i always take care sorta... hmm actually... i dont really... oh well im alive~
    Lol take care of yourself too~
    Hiya unown~~ (^o^)/

    yeah.. its really makes me lazy also to redo that subject.. especially when its the time that I supposedly to have a holiday... Give me back my holiday... Q_Q

    Ganbatte! I will pray so that you can pass all of them! ^^

    Yayy! You're right! At last I can finished them all~~ :goodtea:
    Now, I can really take a rest to my heart content.. must get ready for exam next week though.. :/

    Its from my favourite otome game~ XD
    The title is "AMNESIA" XD
    Yeppp~~ its soo calming rightt~~?? Even some of the stories cannot be called "calming" though~ 8D

    lolol~~ its okay~~ don't mind it! :XD:
    I also call samy with "her" automatically! XD

    See you again~~ Hope you the best! ^^
    Piiiiiiiiiiiii......Pikapiiiiiiii(Unoooooooo. Shaneieeeeeeeeeee)

    *Poke Shaniee.. n Use THunder on Him.......)
    Wow~~ ganbatte for you then!! ^^
    Well, for me I must redo it from the start.. only for that subject though.. but still.. kinda lazy.. ~_~

    And now I already free from all those assignment! Yayy~ XD
    LOL! And I also must redo one of the subject that I failed last semester! XD

    Well, its kinda final project for this semester~ Almost every subject has it.. Now I'm just must finished two last of the subject before I'm free~~ the deadline is tomorrow though.. So, here I am.. must staying up all night to finished all the assignment.. ^^"
    Yup~ Everyone is so nice in here~ :blushing:

    Well, I'm fine~~ Kinda.. except for my assignment everything is fine~
    How about you?
    Hiya unown! (^O^)/

    Thanks for adding me as your friend~~
    Hope we can get along very well~~

    And wish you good luck and healthy as always! ^^
    Thanks for the request. Really nice to meet you too. :)
    I'm surprised at how many mistakes I made on the games though. Guess it's been a while since I seriously spammed in a forum, not even spamming my main forum on MAL either. XD
    so you had a good time. nice~

    but fun without drinking? well, ok, possible :D
    as long as others drink ;D

    yeah, not lurking atm. dont feel like it~
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