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  • I think so too, I love Alter they know how to sculpt a figure. I might pick her up.
    Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

    Yeah, I saw the figure before, I thought you would like it lol.
    surprisingly, my favorite route was the main heroines. she's really cute. then it's maki, riho, nagisa, then sango. it doesn't have much of an emotional impact, but it was still cute
    Nice! She looks lovely! Gonna unpack her?

    Man, I want my Kirino so bad, I'm really starting to get pissed off. Waiting till the end of the week and I am gonna email them again. It's been in Japan for over 1 month now!!!
    *hugs from back*

    And you won the surprise hug lottery~!
    Nice, they look good! Gonna get them?

    Alter is using this pic to make a Halloween PVC figure of this girl from Love Live. Hope it turns out good.

    Aww, at the end of SonoHana 7. Felt so bad for Reo when she tried to cook for Takako when she went to see her older sister, and she started crying cause she didn't know how to cook and was scared Takako would never come back. Now I think Reo X Runa would be perfect. Lol.
    Reo X Runa would be so cute lol. They are exactly a like, only difference is so far it seems Runa is more honest about how she feels. And she is always on the offensive, while with Reo, Mai was always the one leading the sex. I love Mai too though.

    Nice, let me know how how like it. Not sure what I'm playing next.

    BTW, do you use daemon tools to mount your VN's? If so, what do you do with a .bin file? I downloaded this eroge, but having trouble mounting a .bin file to Daemon Tools.
    Just started the 7th game. So far this couple is cute too lol. Thank God is Thanksgiving break so I have time to do this series lol.

    Though Takako keeps referring to Runa as "her" little sister, wonder who she is referring to.

    You're right though, Takako X Kaede = I can die happy lol.
    Yeah. Hope they are okay though. And I'm sure insurance will cover the damages, hopefully.

    Getting Chinese food for dinner today. Love me some orange chicken!

    Man, I really want some SonaHana PVC figures. It's a crime none have been released yet :(
    Just got back from my jog outside. Saw a ton of fire trucks, police, and ambulances around the neighborhood. When I came back around I saw that the people that live down the road garage burned down. Both their cars, and bikes, and everything inside the garage completely burned down. Hope they are okay at least.
    Gah, just remembered today is my little nieces birthday, she will kill me if I don't call her lol. She is 9 now so she thinks she is so big lol.

    Yep, should never end. I'm debating the steam version, even if it has no H-Scenes part of the charm of the series (at least IMO) is when the couples talk "naughty" to each other, I'm pretty sure that will not be in the game either. But I'll consider it. Have you played it?
    *Kakkoi :o*

    Okay!B-but a dark cave? For nutella,here we come!
    Sounds like that would be a great pairing. I love Kaede because of that. She is a proper lady, but so naughty with Sara lol. I love how Sara gets so jealous over her as well.

    Man this series should never end. It should go on forever, or at least until I die lol. Then they can stop.
    Yeah would have been awesome if that was a route lol. Speaking of the Oreimo VN I need to finish it after the Sono series, got kinda side tracked playing it lol.

    Teacher X Student pairing seems interesting, curious to see how they do it.

    Still my favorite pairing is still Yuuna X Nanami. I love how Yunna acts so reserved and respectful at school, but it reality she is just a out of control perv lol. And I like how she always manipulates Nanami, it's cute lol.
    Yep, I'd love to see Kuroneko x Kirino as well lol, in fact it seems very possible imo.

    I will probably finish 6 tonight.

    Is one of the pairings between teacher and student? I think I read that online.

    I love Reo too, so that's your dream pair then lol. I'l let you know what I think when I get there.
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