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  • I haven't watched the anime yet either, and doubt I ever will, but either way the PVC's look amazing.

    That iDolmaster PVC is supposed to be part of a 10 year anniversary set (didn't know that the franchise was that old) so it's supposed to come in a special box with a huge art book, and other unannounced goodies, but still, it's overpriced either way.

    If you find the straps let me know, I want both Suoh and Mayuri. All I can find are the keychains though. Comes in 3 sets, one for each VN so far.

    Also, I noticed Mayuri isn't listed as character in the 4th VN :/ I hope it's to avoid spoilers and she actually is in it.

    Oh, September 8-21 you gain 3 times excitement level bonus at the end of vacations.
    I think her mouth looks fine, but I really love the base and her hair.

    I feel the same about that Marie though. Sad, because the rest of her is well designed.

    I want that whole love live set eventually, but yeah, they are all expensive as hell.

    I want this one too. Love the Halloween theme to her.

    And this iDOLM@STER is amazing. Only negative, it's 1/8 scale and 272 USD :(

    Also, aren't these cute?

    Also, that outfit or something similar would work great in DOA X 3. Write them and tell them to use it next update lol.
    Oh nice, I didn't know her name meant that. That's a pretty name to have. I do like Erika's personally, so I think I will be fun to play as her.

    As for Yuzuriha and Nerine I'm interested in that one too. From the trailer it looks like they've been friends since childhood, and slowly begin to realize their feelings are something more then friendship. Man I'm so hyped for these. Haven't been this hyped for VN's in a while.
    Sounds good! I'll look into it. Can't wait for the 2nd translated Flowers VN though. I'm interested in playing as Erika. Since Sister Dalia is also a main character in that one I wonder what role she will play. I think maybe it will be Erika and Dalia getting close but in a sisterly type of way. Interested in New girl chidori too.
    Don't know why but I find this image super cute lol. The whole scene was cute I thought.

    Now, in the 4th VN you go back to playing as Suoh again. So will be sometime before we continue Suoh, and Mayuri's story since that VN doesn't release till next year in Japan. Still, the other 2 are already picked up for translation by JAST and I'm interested in playing as those couples too. Should be fun! Very interested in the 3rd VN's couple. Still, I love Suoh x Mayuri and I have a feeling they will be my favorite couple in this series.

    :EDIT: isn't the track on the trailer for the 3rd VN with Yuzuriha x Nerine amazing? Especially when it picks up at the 1:00 minute mark, then again at 1:48 with the drums. So amazing, I love this track. Trying to find where to download it. Says it's sung by MANYO.
    This Wouldn't fit in the last VM:

    :EDIT: it looks Erika (the girl in the wheelchair) and the new girl I mentioned will not be a route for Suoh, but will be a couple themselves. Hope that's not a spoiler, that's all I know about the 2nd VN atm.

    EDIT 2: Also, found out that you HAVE to do Mayuri's route first since that is the true route that continues in the next VN's, I guess Rikka's route is just a bonus, but apparently isn't part of the true route, only Mayuri is true route. That might also be why you kept getting a bad end, if you were on Rikka's route you will eventually get a bad end since Mayuri's route has to be done first. So I guess other couples will form, but that main story is Suoh and Mayuri.
    You are on chapter 3 already? I haven't got a bad end yet and I'm on chapter 6 so I gotta hurry up and finish before you catch up lol. Looks like I'm on Mayuri's route. I like Rikka too, but yeah, Mayuri is better. Love her personality too, also love her voice. Do you like the Sasaki twins? i hope they get a route in a future game. Also, yes, first this VN it's only Mayuri and Rikka for routes. I think, but not sure that the 2nd VN has a route for the girl in the wheelchair, and a new girl. Again, not sure though. I hope they also continue routes, like I can continue another Mayuri route in the 2nd VN. Are you gonna read the other VN's in this series or just this one? I plan to read them all, it's so cute, love all the girls, also love the music, writing, and artwork. Glad I found a new Yuri VN series to go with SonoHana. I've been thinking of who would work best for Suoh in the SonoHana series lol. I think she would pair well with Mia. Of course Rikka would work with Kaede, as for Mayuri I'm not too sure. Of course that wouldn't work though since the VN's are completely different. But still fun thinking of pairings.

    Sorry man I didn't mean to spoiler anything, now that I think about it talking about those 2 others girls VM'ing that video was probably a bit of a spoiler too :( sorry. For Suoh planning the piano though from what I remember the opening scene in the VN also shows her playing the Piano in a flashback.

    I took the day off today, I get 2 free days each month to take off, if I don't use them I get a extra bonus at the end of the month, but decided for a day off. My friend asked me to watch his puppy for a few hours since he had a emergency. He was a bit much to handle but was fun since I've never had a puppy. Man, cats are soooo much easier to deal with lol. Was like watching a small child or something. He just wouldn't sit still.
    I don't like the other version either, not as colorful imo. It is pricey, but it's also 1/6 scale so it's to be expected. I bet you can't wait.

    Did you decide on this set?

    Yep, I might pre-order the one I linked you. I just think it's so cute seeing those irl accessories in cute little versions like that, I just want to get all those little accessories like that and build a small town for my PVC's or something then put that in my display case lol. I know that must sound strange, but those little props are just so cute.

    Nice, glad you like it so far. I'm gonna get the OST too, love the music. I also think Suoh, the main girl is so cute. She seems so lonely though so I hope she makes friends, or girlfriend. I'm on chapter 5 of Mayuri route right now, it's getting really good, if they get together I think they will be a cute couple. Gonna do Rikk's route after this. And yeah, artwork is amazing. Plus since I also grew up in a Christian family (also went to a Christian private school for a few years since my parents made me) some of the music Suoh plays on her piano is really nostalgic for me of when I had to go to church every Sunday as a kid. like when she Plays Oh Holy Night.

    I have a feeling that Yuzuriha, and Nerine will eventually turn into a couple too, if they aren't already in a secret relationship.

    Yeah, I know the feeling, got a bit on my plate as well. Got some family stuff going on with my bro and sister in law, plus work, and my game backlog is huge too. Mostly just playing the VN and DOA X 3 atm though.

    Do you have any plans for your next vacation? I usually prefer to just relax at home lol.
    Also, found a unboxing and preview with more pics of the original alternate color. Might give you more of a idea of the quality since it's same figure, just different color scheme.
    I was gonna VM you that you too lol. Love the whole design, especially how the jeans fit around the butt. Love her shoes too. She has this alternate version too.

    I also really like this one. You Know I'm a sucker for extra props like that chair she has, the envelope with the papers inside and all that, and like her face too.

    And yes, Alter has great quality. 2 of my favorite figures, Momohime, and Kongiku are Alter.

    Are you gonna use that torrent for the Steam version instead? Since it's ripped from Steam you don't need Steam to play the game. Just plays like a regular VN. If not, the JAST version isn't too bad, and really hasn't been too much of a issue till Chapter 3, where I'm at now, but still, Steam version fixed all those errors supposedly.
    This won't make sense unless you read the PM first, but DreamCa7ch3r told me he downloaded Steam version from here. Plus comes with OST.

    Nice catches! I need to get back on it and catch more Pokemon. Haven't played in a while. BTW. Did you know the lead artist for Fire Emblem designed the trainers for GO?
    Also, here is a guide for the VN.

    :EDIT: BTW. From what I heard this VN ends in a cliffhanger, and the story continues in the sequel. So up to you if you want to read this one now, or wait till the sequel is translated and read them together, it's being translated as well. No release date yet. So far 3 VN's have been made for this series, and another cureently being made, and they are all directly related and continue the story.

    Sequel page.

    So far I love this VN. It's different from Sonohana but still so good. This VN is a bit more mature, but still very cute, a good mix. Gonna read the whole series. I'm hooked. Music, artwork, characters, story all top notch. It's by Innocent Grey and they write mystery VN's like Kara no Shoujo, so this has a bit of mystery too. Very well made.
    I'm excited for it too, should be awesome.

    When I first saw that shorts/strap suit my first thought was Misty from Pokemon lol, of course she had a shirt underneath though. Will give blue one to Hitomi, the other one is meh.

    Started the VN. Super cute so far! As I mentioned no H-scenes, but cute, innocent yuri love is good too imo. Now just gotta decide which girl to choose for Suoh.

    No worries man, I know you are busy working both jobs, plus Pokemon GO. Speaking of which, hear about that dude getting 600k XP in 1 day?

    :EDIT: Sandwich suit cost 1 million :( Decuple cost 200k.
    Just found out that since Japan (Tokyo) is hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics they get to bring back one sport that was removed before. And since Japan plays baseball/softball that's what they are bringing back to the Olympics! Yes! Thanks Japan! Bring back best sport in world!!!!!

    Also, do you if if this VN is any good?

    :EDIT: actually decided to go with this VN instead. Another Yuri VN just translated, no H-Scenes but got good reviews.
    Well I'm 180.34 so not too much of a difference. You are about the height of me oldest brother.

    Lol, retard measurement. I agree. Speaking of such I tried out for a higher paying job before Amazon as a press machine operator for a pharmaceutical company here that my friend works for. I passed all the test expect I'm terrible in the metric system, and since a press machine needs precise measurements to work properly the operator needs to know the metric system very well so I didn't get it :( gonna try again soon since they have a new opening again. Need to study up on it before I try again. They don't teach that in schools here :(

    I know a few people that have the Note as well, at first I thought it was ugly cause it was so huge, but now I think I'd like the larger screen.

    Yeah the first 50 participants would have gotten a special card, not a download code card but whatever special type of card they give out in GameStop tournaments. Would've folded it into a paper airplane and thrown it across the ocean to your house lol. I Don't think it was anything special, but maybe that only 50 people got it would've added some type of value to it, or maybe not.
    Found out there was a Pokemon Tournament for OR/AS yesterday at my local GameStop :( wish I knew so I could have participated. I would've lost like in 5 seconds but they gave away special Pokemon Cards to first 50 participants. Oh well.
    Are you tall as well? I'm about 5 feet 11 inches so about average I guess.

    I've bought owner suits on accident too :( mainly because the cancel and confirm buttons are opposite from what I'm used to:( guess you better use the casino cheat to make up that money lol j/k

    Lol. Only 6 points. Sounds terrible. Well you should be able to get that competing your first mission on your next vacation. Gonna play as Momiji?

    I haven't gave Kasumi the tickets either yet :( I will eventually. Yep I've uncooked the sound figure, helps with the pics since the girls will look your way and smile.

    Might play one more to give Momoji the new suits too. Can't wait to see what's next.

    :EDIT: I know I've told you I don't really like Samsung phones, but after seeing the Note 7 I think I might pick that one up when I can upgrade my phone in November. Guess it'll be a birthday present for myself lol. Have you ever had a Note phone?
    Finally got level 110 in owner mode. What was my reward? Crappy lotions in the owner shop that cost 250k each! I don't buy those lotions in girl mode, so no chance I'm spending 250k in owner money to buy them. Only difference is the 250k ones last a bit longer. Not worth that much. Anyway, taking a break from this game since it's pointless to play now since 110 is max level. Gonna wait till next swimsuits to play again.

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