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  • Herro! Happy birthday to you uno! I hope you'll get an awesome day with friends and family c: Also eat lots of cake and cookies!
    Happy sweet birthday honey!<3

    Wish I was there to celebrate, we need a party for you! x3

    I hope this new age will bring new experiences in your life (:

    With love, K :nekopara_hug:
    I might end up getting the set too, a few that I want.

    That figure does indeed look nice, but not at that price. Don't get me wrong. Koto is a great, but that's GSC quality prices, and Koto definitely is not on that level yet.

    Also, about my Cordelia PVC. Same thing happened to Langesha's as well, hers broke in the same way so told her to contact AmiAmi about it as well.

    And of course happy birthday man, I really hope you enjoy it and have a great day. Any plans? You and your GF or family gonna go out?
    Yeah it seems to have a very interesting combat system this time. I've played Persona since Persona 1, but Persona 1&2 were very different. How different? Put this this way, end boss for Persona 2 was a resurrected Adolf Hitler with super powers ._. Atlus has this old video game series called Shin Megami Tensei (SMT) which always focuses on some type of end of the world event that destroys civilization and has demons running rampant as a result. Anyway, it's a very dark, moody, feeling of hopelessness type of series. Persona is actually a spin off of SMT, so Persona 1&2 were very dark as well, not until Persona 3 that the Persona series really separated itself from SMT and became its own thing (which is why you only hear people talking about Persona 3, 4, and now 5, not 1&2) now they have happy characters like Rise, and stories that you save the world instead of having the world explode in your face. I'm glad though since I like the Persona series better now. If you ever want to give the series a shot definitely skip 1&2, you can try 3 or 4, but I'd recommend just playing 5 if you were interested.

    Damn that sucks :/ has happened to me before as well. Lost my Comic Con pics, and pics to some county fairs in Texas :deadsad:
    yeah it's best to forgot all the other girls. Just gift your partner, and your character every night in owner mode, should get around 370-380k each vacation just doing that. Make sure you gift your partner every night in girl mode too as well though.

    Yep, gonna love the Chizuru route. JB deserves some D from Yuuji as well for all that she does for him, so glad that she has some H Scenes too in this next game as well.

    Every Persona game has 1 character that has a support type Persona only. Which means that character cannot directly participate in battles, but they are able to support the team every battle with skills their Persona learns which usually skills like HP/SP support, keeping track of enemy weaknesses etc... anyway, the support character in Persona 4 was Rise Kujikawa. In Persona 5 it's this girl in the pic named Sakura Futaba, think Rise is prettier, but maybe this I'll end up liking this girls personality.

    Hmm, I only gift the other girls in owner mode not girl mode, at the hotel at night. They usually won't reject them. Just buy them the cheap items that they like. Will raise your overall cash amount at the end. Doesn't have to be every night. And doesn't have to be all girls, just 2 or so other girls will do. Make sure you gift your girl, and your partner every night in owner mode though, that's very important. Gift your partner in girl mode every night too.

    Yep, can't wait for the VN! So hyped!! Gonna love the extra principle (forgot her name) side route, and the Amane/Kazuki yuri scene. Gonna take time to get used to Michiru without her bleached hair though lol

    :EDIT: Saw this earlier.

    :EDIT 2: just did another vacation. Didn't gift ANY girls except my main girl every night in owner mode at the hotel, and my partner in both girl and owner mode every night as well. Got 385k. So I'm not gifting any girls anymore expect my main, and partner, not worth all the extra time/effort. 385k is more then enough.

    Also, been on owner level 99 for 5 vacation! 5!!! Usually I gain at least 1 level every vacation, sometimes 2, but getting to 99 to 100 is a huge pain! Did 5 Vacations, ALL of them I got S+, and I'm only halfway to 100! WTF!! If it takes THAT much effort to get to 110 then it will take time 50+ vacations! Fuck that!
    :EDIT: Also from Grisaia Kickstarter page:
    "We bring some good news on week of E3. The Labyrinth of Grisaia is now in final QA checks by both Frontwing and us. We’re aiming for a release next week if everything checks out fine."

    :EDIT: 2

    I'm level 91 now yay. Just grinding for S+ Ranks to level up.

    Yep that's right, but you don't need a PSN Card to download free swimsuits/costumes/items, only need it for paid DLC.

    Nice 310k!
    No you are good, but as I mentioned if you actually want to buy DLC in this game then you need the PSN Card of whichever other PSN account you decide to create.

    This is indeed gonna be a huge pain. At least I found our a little earlier. Would be super pissed if I found out when the DLC releasesd :/
    Also, to actually buy DLC in this game you will need a PSN card for the account you are buying it on. Hong Kong Card for Hong Kong Account for example.
    Nope, you just need the new account to download the DLC only, once you download the DLC it will show up on your main account, so you won't lose anything.
    I hope that we can at least buy them for now, and gift them to the girls when we reach that level :sigh: either way, this is insane, I honestly thought level 100 was max level, guess I was wrong :/ I guarantee it will be something like this... They will say be at level 110 for lotions, and 100 for the new swimsuits OR use real money and get them now! So pissed. Thought grinding was over :/

    I'm curious to see what they do too.

    Is that code still in your game case? I left mine in there until I used it. Yep, you need a non Japanese Asian Account. Try for either Singapore, or Hong Kong since they will be in English. Also need one of those accounts to download the free swimsuits like Honoka's recent free swimsuit.
    I know, it's ridiculous! I'm not even on level 90 :/ I planned on giving the game a break for a while till the new items/swimsuits release since I'm sooooo tired of the grinding :/ guess I have to at least try to get to 100 before the new swimsuits expire... and I really don't feel like/have time for grinding right now... AT ALL

    P.S. According to the wiki, on lotion is for the breast, one is for the butt, and the last one is for the beast and butt.
    From DOA X 3 Wiki page... More grinding!!! :baby: FU TEAM NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Skin Care items that will be released during July 2016. There are three in total. Each one will affect a specific physical body part. Can only be used at Owner Level 110. Depending on the version, the parts that are customized are either breasts only (Venus) or both breasts and butt (Fortune)"

    New Swimsuits:

    "Will be released on June 16-29. There will be nine variants of each swimsuit. Like the prior DLC, this DLC set will be rereleased on a later date. Can only be used at Owner Level 100"
    BTW, I think what's gonna happen with DOA X 3 is that the first DLC swimsuit set will re-release, and we won't get any new swimsuits till the end of the month :/ They have announced that the sets will see re-releases, in case you missed any. According to wiki page.

    Wonder what the "skin care items" will be? Maybe the sunscreen/suntan lotions that are only available in the owner shop?
    Thanks. Just been doing the usual.
    good to be back.
    Yep. Should receive her next week sometime. I'll let you know.

    Actually bought 2. One for me, one to keep boxed and sell later. I have a feeling she will go for a good price later. So it's an investment.
    I hope so too. Apparently they had a contest that let fans design a swimsuit, and that one won. I want them to do that for all the girls, well they can skip Helena and give Hitomi 2 swimsuits lol.

    You still have PS Plus right? Might be a good idea to upload your game saves to the PSN Cloud as well. You can only use that feature if you have PS Plus though.

    Don't like Honoka much, but hey, free swimsuit. Hope all the girls get free special swimsuits too. You have the Asia version so you can download it. I actually like the goggles the best, hope they add accessories like that.

    Remember how I was asking you if your PS4 makes loud noises and gets really hot? Well, mine was getting worse with that so I was forced to do a complete system restore. Deleted everything, but luckily since I have PS Plus I can upload/download all my game saves. Just finished re-downloading all my games. PS4 is working way better now. Hope it stays that way.
    Oh no! The Momohime I have that is getting a "re-release" is more of a re-design then a re-release. Pic moves kinda fast, but should still be able to tell the difference, especially her face. The Colors are more dark too, can tell in the comb, and flowers in her hair. I like the original better.

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