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  • Deal, als je me toevoegt op FB dan laat ik je weten wanneer ik er ben volgende keer! Ik heb een wandscroll, 3 mangas en 2 posters gekocht :3 en damn dat was inderdaad balen gast XD
    i.................never heard of it. i just looked it up though. it's gonna be a tough choice for me, between the kemonomimi and the dark skinned girl :bigeyes:
    Awesome! I look forward to seeing the pics. You get a Tony Taka figure?

    Yeah, it's a ton of reading, I love history though so I don't really mind to much. I mostly study European history since that interest me that most, also since all American's originally are from Europe anyway.

    I may study Eastern cultures (China, Japan) in the future, but that's not really my main interest
    Awesome man! Post pics! Autograph? Nice! I want to see the pics and figures lol.
    History, analyzing like a billion church documents during the Reformation. Study about Luther, and the resulting war between the Catholics, and Lutherans. Ton of reading. You can do it if you want :goodtea:
    That works as well xD Didn't really have to write on the forum then since you saw me anyways :3

    Yeah, I noticed lol. Breeding Cyndaquils, it will be a hell to get a female one tho :/
    Pffffft, you got no choice >:3

    I didn't know that was all the colours at the bottom of the trade screen xD But yeah, it's probably them! Gotta check the next time I trade with someone!
    Awesome! I really like Houndour so yeah! It can learn quite a bit of different special attacks as well.

    Btw, what would you go for a Ponyta? Which IV is a good one to skip? Attack, Sp.A. or try to go for 6 IV?
    And one more thing! Would you trade legendaries over the GTS system? (or what that place was named)
    hahahaha een beetje als ik heb met To Love Ru... waar ik nog steeds zit te wachten op seizoen 4 trouwens XD
    You can hold my 6 max IV Mawile as hostage while I borrow your Ditto :3 Thanks for the loan btw, gonna try to trade as many pokemon as possible so I can breed many! Just tell me when you want it back :3 Also thanks for the Houndour!

    I can't really trade you much good stuff tho :sowwy: I got like 4 boxes of Mawiles which is basically the only stuff I've been breeding except for Oddishes with crap IVs :/ Can give you some results when you want your Ditto back :3
    Sakura trick nog niet gezien dus dat ga ik zeker doen. En ik vind Strawberry panic wel goed, niets echt bizonder maar ok dat hoeft ook niet. Ik vind yuri wel ok maar ik moet ook zeggen, ik ben niet heel kieskeurig over wat er allemaal wel niet is, je weet maar nooit XD
    Uno, I'll be active alot on my 3DS today so just log in whenever you got time and we'll trade!
    ik vind akuma leuk, maar ik moet zeggen dat ik nog niet goed weet waarom er zo duidelijk een yuri tag aan gegeven wordt... wel een paar dingen maar niet echt heel explisiet ofzo... mijn vriendinnen willen het door de tag al niet kijken. De andere twee vind ik geweldig, ik vind miyuki gewoon grappig, hou wel van dat soort naivelingen XD Ik vind het trouwens zowiso jammer dat er weinig yuri series zijn, maar dan heb ik het over echte yuri als in strawberry panic... maar ach, t wordt gewoon snel hentai gevonden...
    yeah it's a awesome show! Has lot's of cursing, violence, and sex, don't know if that bothers you or not, so just a warning in advance.

    It's currently on season 4, they are planning 7 or 8 seasons in total. Only 10 episodes per season, but each episode is 1 hour long.
    I can give you my GoT season 3 digital copy code for iTunes if you want it, but I don't know if it will work. I tried giving it to Sky before but it wouldn't work for him since he doesn't have a US iTunes account. Got the free code when I purchased the season 3 Blu-ray set so I don't need it.
    oh jij kijkt drie van mijn favourite series van dit moment, akuma, magic highschool en no game no life. Ik vind ze erg vet, jij?
    hahaha je kunt hem de lijst van myanimelist laten overzetten hoor XP maar is goed, kun je me anders linken, wil wel eens zien wat je allemaal al kent :)
    hahaha klopt, Oh trouwens vergeten te vragen, heb je een hummingbirds account ofzo? lijkt me leuk om eens te zien wat je allemaal gezien hebt, mij kun je ook op hummingbirds vinden trouwens :)
    Yeah, her boobs are too big, I don't like that either. If her boobs were about medium size then it would have been perfect :sigh:

    Her lamp lighting up is really cool though, it looks really nice when I turn it on at night, has a really nice glow to it.

    Took a while to get Momo to hold her sword correctly, she comes with 3 hands that can be switched out, and you have to change her sleeve on her uniform as well depending on how you want her to hold the sword. You can see on the box, and how I have her displayed she is holding her sword differently. So I have to switch her hands, and sleeve when I change that.
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