I meant it's coming on PS3 not PS4 lol. It was originally a PS2 game, but got ported to the PS Vita with HD Graphics, and extra content. Only thing about the version coming to PS3 is that I doubt it will have the HD Graphics, or the extra content that the Vita version has, it will most likely be a direct port of the original PS2 version, but still a game worth playing.
The only bad thing about the dating sim part in Persona is that it's not really in depth, I mean whoever you choose to date doesn't effect the main story. You have special dates with your GF on Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day and stuff like that, but I still wish it was more in depth. I hope Persona 5 coming out on PS3 improves on the dating sim part and has whoever you date directly effect the main story...
I just thought that figure was incredibly well sculptured, but my GF would never let me have a nude figure anyway, and honestly I would feel a bit silly displaying it in the house
That picture is nice! If they make a figure of that will you get it? I decided I am getting that Rise fig for $150 before it sells out on Amazon.