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  • That's good that you have colleagues that you can depend on, that's always good. Yeah a Swimsuit DLC would be nice!

    BTW, did you upload the sigs you made for me on your render thread?
    Their is no rush man, the game and DLC costumes will also be there. Take care of your family matters, and your work, that comes first. I don't have much time to play now, been busy with school and a few other things. I am still getting the Hitomi J-Pop costume though
    I didn't know that you could find hordes of Nidoran :deadsad: I would've captured it earlier if I knew :<

    Admit that Mawile is cute! I still haven't named one now that I think about it. I might have to name her something. Misuzu might work whenever I start with Pokemon Y again. Yeah, I usually just capture one in the FS in the desired pokemon's Egg Group xD

    Hmm, I actually did some battles last weekend against random people I found. I'm thinking about breeding a defensive team since I like going defensive :3 I also did some Wonder Trades and managed to get myself a Japanese Magikarp with max IVs in everything except SpD and SpA (doesn't need SpA) who also got Adamant nature and the Swift Swim ability which will become Intimidate for Gyarados ^^
    Gastrodon is ugly so why would you even breed them at all? D: Even Wailord is cuter!

    That chat looks similar to the Eternal Fighter Zero chat I just looked at for about 1 day ago lol. I guess that it might be worht a try then.
    Been alright. Still busy, and working things out with my girlfriend. No college today though since it's a Holiday over here! Good luck with your family matters, I know they can be very time consuming and frustrating.
    unownunownunownunownunown I only lurk because I love! /me stalks unown

    uhh I've been doing fine. I've a little more time on my hands so I'll be around more often. You're big on consoles aren't you? Are you planning on getting the PS4 this week? I'm considering lining up on release and trying my luck in becoming a dirty scalper :3
    Hey, can we still play against each other if I have DOA5 U, and you have the regular DOA 5? We might still be able to fight each other. Not sure though.
    Sorry, I just realized that Nidoran can be found at the same place as Nidorina. I just had to trade a Nidoran with another player through Wonder Trade and check the pokedex :/

    Also, you better take care of the perfect Mawile I gave you :3

    I plan on going for 5 IVs on most pokemon I breed. I kinda don't see a reason to breed unless I get a perfect result. And it also keeps me going. I was desperate for Mawile though since she's my favorite so I have like 3 and a half boxes full with Mawiles :>
    Serebii wifi chat? I still don't understand what it is :deadsad: I thought you spoke through the computer and not a wifi chat :/
    Do you have a female Nidoran to trade me asap? I would like a female with Hustle ability if you can find them in FS :3 Sorry for not answering. I am on my phone right now and don't feel like writing loads xD I'll answer more properly when I get home tomorrow!
    OTL OTL i dont think i'd be a good idea for me to ask what mark you got XD
    but within such a short time is kinda unbelievable to me o_o

    i think you'll win this time XD i probably messed with the colours too much and it kinda ended up... dull OTL while yours is all bright and cute D8

    yup i saw! its so cute XD shocking that we kinda thought about using the same character though o_o just that yours is chibi XD and yep i joined :3 like just then XD
    OTL well hopefully more people will join soon D8 it was more fun when everyone participated together, it was like a race to see who'd get a spot XD
    true true :3 i hope more do join soon :'3
    ahh OTL i failed LOL i came home yelling "I STUDIED FOR NOTHING" i ended up getting like 48% on my maths test! <|3 that was probably my worst moment in history
    ahh really o_o? last time i checked i had 3 on each and you had 4 on the transformer one :3 so i was almost certain i'd lose XD
    yeah you were! and yeah its fun to have some rivalry XD it gives me motivation to try harder :3

    whut D8 you have to join! its no fun if you dont D:

    ahh, thats good then XD i always look forward to seeing your new entries!
    o_o i forgot that the poll was open, and i just checked the entries XD its so hard to vote OTL all the entries are unique and have their own strong points ;~; ♥
    I got my female Mawile now btw. I got 2 male Mawile with perfect IVs, Intimidate and Adamant nature and a female Mawile with the same stuff except that she got Hyper Cutter instead. I actually got 3 males with that stuff but I want one myself if I feel like breeding more in the future since he's my Mawile breeding slave :3
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