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  • Also I don't play ps3 as much as I do 360, so i'm not a high level in this game
    I have time in a few minutes if you are up to it, if not sometime tomorrow maybe?
    Let me know when you have time to play, the First Person shooters I have for PS3 are Killzone 2, and 3, Black Ops, and Modern Warfare 2. I have Black Ops 2 on my Wii U, and Modern Warfare 3 on my 360, so we cant play those :deadsad:
    Either good or bad, my worst enemy is "impulse" >_>

    Well, which figure to be exact? XD
    Last time I "bought a figure" was around september
    Last time I "bought a figure online" was around august
    The things after that were just random stuff
    Well that's how plastic figures are anyway, at least not buying it will spare my account lol
    *especially the thigh gehe*
    I guess if you're really desperate for one though :goodtea: A Spritzee with max IV in everything except Attack was good for me since she doesn't need Attack :3

    I guess :/ Lucky you to have a useful shiny though (Azurill) :deadsad: I have a crappy Geodude that I doesn't need since I already got a lvl 85 Golem. I wish that I could find a random shiny that I can lvl up. It would feel so awesome for some reason ^^

    I was unsure if the Boldore was to me or if you wanted the evolution though so I traded it back to you. I wouldn't have evolved it if I was 100% sure that it would've been to me since Boldore is so much cuter :3
    Hmm, why exactly Flawless? :/ You can skip a IV you don't need xD

    Also, brag much :<
    Oh, I see :/ I might be able to join that chat sometime then ^^ Fetch those crazy bred pokemon >:3

    I'm on my way! Had to turn on my 3DS since I wasn't using it xD
    Oh, a wifi chat huh... isn't that when you speak to each others through a mic or something? :/
    You have to breed alot for the flawless Larvesta then ^^ Btw, do you mind trading my Spritzee back and forth so I can evolve her? :3
    Lmao, I was beginning to wonder how you could get so ridiculously many zones :deadsad: I only got about 13 or something :/
    Yes, look at that candy! Muahahaha! >:3

    Too many that I'm interested in which I cannot get myself :sigh: Those would be Snorunt, BOLDORE (unless I capture a Roggenrola in the cave), MAWILE (I steal back my Mai you stole from me!), Clefairy, Ponyta and Breloom :/ Quite many there :deadsad:
    I really need it :< I wanted one from Shiri but I haven't seen her online in the game that much and I don't know if she got a Fire type Safari zone :/ Do you have any other interesting pokemon you can catch?

    * Hinode tries to convince HG to trade a Ponyta by holding up a Rare Candy in front of his face
    Ponyta. Do you have it? I really want one :<

    I'm off to watch TV for an hour so see you later! :bye:
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