I heard women's screams ! What did you do to them XD
hoho I already set rat traps at the chimney XD There are spikes everywhere XD
your senses are right XD *my dangerous level rises* I feel reluctant to harm you too XD
my wave of singing? Do you know its frequency? haha you cannot fool since I studied physics XD
Stop crying over glitched phone/spilt milk XD I'll buy you a new one, using your money XD
You are holding weenie hostages now! *bring the scissors*
Don't worry weenies I will give you all freedom XD
so you are the Reaper! you made contracts with him? Are you selling your soul to him XD He is taking over your body XD
You are just like thanking the bad guys for underestimating you and not using the bombs XD Being a noob benefits too huh XD
Because misses bonds is always on the winning side XD so you have to die or run or surrender XD
Our friendship is great but now we are acting in a drama XD
We are standing facing each other in a tavern in a desert

*imaginations* XD