Probably tastes like pickles =w=
Younger sis and quite the angry little girl... =w= You dont want this sis...
Lol hmm... i wonder how complex it will get in the future...~ xD
*holds torch near vivi anyway...* =w=
Lol give yourself a goal and treat when you reach the goal?~
Hmm yesh all weird here but weird people can run from other weird people too?~ So youre more for the fight response... violent person here O.o Well i guess its more fun to find off things anyhow xD *glares back, takes a sip of tea, continues glaring*
Such nice warm tea~
Lol xD Being literal is fun at times ;p
Hmm... how do you know he/she was a trap O.o
Youve touched a heart then.... o.O And it was soft and fluffy...............
Hmm angels? Now what would they be doing around here?
Well its fairly obvious its opinion
But isnt opinion the basis for most things?~
Hmm... so youre sort of being like a certain character which counts people as part of her club just because they happen to be around?~
Well you did sort of declare something like war on meh
Hmm amusement park... how odd...
Pretty much all species then?~