Well, what can I say? You ever got threat? Staying with thugs (yes, I'd go as far as call some people that) a few meters (in some case, centimeters) away from you eight hours a day and five days a week for three years wouldn't do much good to your outlook on society... Driven to be paranoid only worsen things.
'Normal'? An obscure thing indeed...Normal to me is what the majority of people do. I don't think you can exactly call someone doing things like having an irresistible urge to hide under tables with clothes, or is excessively paranoid of going abroad 'normal'...Would it be normal if one is so passive that he is reluctant to approach someone else in a dire time of need? Do you drink soup or do you spoon it? Guess I'd say that 'normal' means conforming to the society's standards...for the most part.
And yes, it's indeed from Walroma.
'Normal'? An obscure thing indeed...Normal to me is what the majority of people do. I don't think you can exactly call someone doing things like having an irresistible urge to hide under tables with clothes, or is excessively paranoid of going abroad 'normal'...Would it be normal if one is so passive that he is reluctant to approach someone else in a dire time of need? Do you drink soup or do you spoon it? Guess I'd say that 'normal' means conforming to the society's standards...for the most part.
And yes, it's indeed from Walroma.