MMD discussion and sharing

>Make SeaGM Account,
>buy Bitcash Japan (
> use bitcash to buy toracoin

its a roundabout way and more expensive than the usual,
but that's the only way for us Gaijin now
Yeah no, i tried seagm did order successfully but they didn't want to give me code until i verify myself (gov id actual selfie + timestamp) Like hell im giving those to some rando site. Did a refund and they docked 1/3 of the order as (operation costs) So fuck'em, thanks to them i missed on last 2 days of famu fantia and now i would need to back number for it sigh..
You can also buy it from OffGamers
Compare the prices if you wish, I've used it three times and it works. Still doesn't make the process of dealing with fantia any easier though, garbage website.

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