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  • Hmm i like the heat sometimes~ Though that depends how long it lasts...

    Want to die? o.o; well.... can i have the last stab?

    Hmm who needs refined technique when you can just spam it and completely overpower them :goodtea:
    You will overcome it. I believe in you, Shiki.

    Thank you. I change my avatar as a reference to how I am feeling, such as the angel. I was feeling quite happy with life and how it turned out to be.
    Lalala life is great is so gloomy and cloudy and my laptop died~~ Yep life is great~ Hmm im an odd person who would describe myself and odd :goodtea: Yeps xD

    I think theyll find that its not so easy to catch this little fishy~ and are you sure you want to try poking me :traitor:
    Yeah I thought so for some reason, the solitary one....don't know why. But you watched that garden of "something" anime, cool I just got that recomended after watching an AMW about it.

    Anyways , I'm in a rush while typing cooking again...I type often while I wait for my food too cook it seems.

    Chappella takes dope ;p
    It is a real pleasure getting to know you~

    The power of the internet surprises me too. xD How people type can differ from real life especially with the people involved. However, you are a great guy. I don't regret meeting you. ^^

    Randomness does lighten up the mood while making it refreshing as well... We all try to be playful and funny while still being serious at times. I don't want to hurt anyone either.

    Hmm... if you tried to be laid-back... most can observe and handle the current situation better, and then chime in with their thoughts or actions to brighten/lighten/change the mood a bit.

    That is right~ My parents want the photos for the memories. Our video tapes are pretty old... so photos are another method. I bet you have some memories you cherish as well. :3

    All right then~ Nice chatting with you~ Have a good rest~


    Do not rush yourself when you are trying to change. Changing habits will take a long period of time. And besides, good things come when you wait.
    Shiki~ You really are a sweet guy when you want to be. Yep~ I do like you. ^^

    Laughing has that joyful and spontaneous sound that can be quite contagious... I also like it when people laugh. It makes the atmosphere much lighter.

    Yeah~ The bright red eyes really do add some contrast. Hmm... it has a dark and sensual vibe... I really do love it. xD

    That's what I like about you... You barely have any qualms when you say what you think. You're still considerate though while you're speaking your mind.

    One of the few reasons I try to avoid the heat as much a possible... I become lazy too. xD

    Eh~ You saw my pictures?~ ^///^ Thank you for the compliment... My mother loves dressing me up and my father loves photography... so they combined it together to make me their model. xD
    That is very unusual to hear... School can be uninteresting at times, but it is best to pay attention and do all of the work.
    Oh~ I like it with you laugh.

    By the way, that new avatar is just... so sexy! xD I can't stop staring at it.


    That is certainly true. Just from previous conversations and the general feeling I get from each reply, gave me a little idea of how each person might look like. Your words are very encouraging. Thank you.

    I don't like too much sun or too high of a temperature either. xD I feel more exhausted during the summer than the winter... all that sweat... :/

    Yeah~ The flowers bloom only once during the summer and only at night... The more flowers you have blooming, the more luck you will have... or says my mother. xD

    Hmm... yep~ I might post more pics... who knows~

    Deca's inbox is full... so now everyone has a chance to see real pics of me. xD I just left him a usual message.

    It would be nice if he drew a little something for me too. Extortion. xD
    Procrastination and I do not get along very well. I would end up taking it down from my projects right now.

    How about you? What's up? How have you been doing? I hope you are fine. Been busy doing stuff?
    Shiki~ *hug* I missed you too.

    Hello~ It's fabulous to chat with you~ :3

    Chibi drawings~ xD I barely got started... but if it's a sketch, it doesn't take long to draw as long as I have a general idea of what I want each character to look like...

    Life is pretty nice~ Chilly from all the rain, but I like the cool feeling... Some exams later on... And trying to finish up some VNs. xD

    I'm happy you like the flowers~ I enjoy seeing them and they become more special because you only see them once a year.

    Hmm... Deca requested a little extra something from me in return for his picture to draw the chibi characters...
    Wow that's one scary evil looking avatar plus it's cool :shinies:
    Since I happen too see unown mention time..I don't have school at yet time is eaten up somehow,

    I just think you have a really cool name, oh and are you really the solitary one ?

    lol atl All your chappella videos xD
    haha I see :P
    Well..thats school for ya! Always eats up your precious time :P
    But it's that same school that will determine your future so keep it at! :cheering:

    You can't catch what you can't keep up with :3

    Yea Ive been doing fine..I guess =/ Busy with much it actually.
    My school's coming to an end so lots of stuff need to be done :o

    How are you ^^?
    No, you do not actually mean it. You have forced yourself to accept my feelings just to talk to me again and not let me keep a grudge against you.
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