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  • R
    I'm fine and everything is good and nope I haven't bought daiblo

    Tomorrow I have school got a English exam listening just after we finish it I'll go home with my friend

    I remember the last time I ran away from school there was only about 3~4 students and the principle wouldn't let us call to go home (my poor friend he called his parents to pick him up,his parents called the receptionist and said that we'll even teach if there is only one student in the class so he couldn't leave)so what I did is took my bag and left the class the teacher said if you want to leave ask the principle first :evillaugh: and that's exactly what I did no do I said ok then got down the stairs then left from the front gate at the moment I got out I took a taxi told the taxi driver to take me to a place(near to my house)when the driver left I saw the principle running trying to catch up to me but offcourse I can't stop now so left now I regret something,i should have given the principle from the window a goodbye.
    I just gathered random info cuz i read everything :goodtea: I dont know as much as the admins though so theyre probably a better choice for some stuff~
    *Stamps* "Wall Spammed by Sam~"
    Well I used to be called "The Crematorium" by my family before.... Because of my super high metabolism and enormous appetite, I can eat for a whole family, at least if I want. And so its ironic people sometimes keep telling me I'm so thin ..and that I should eat more ^^ MOAR you said, they obviously don't know I already eat more then they themselves do. hehe.

    Late Edit: And enjoy D3 tomorrow
    Oh you think that was big, I made that one extra small. I usually like it a bit bigger :full: I got a very good appetite.

    I plan on having a LOT of blueberry pancakes on my birthday soon 3 days from now ^^
    There will be no self portrait then! I'll look like a monsters covered in blue
    There, friend request accepted. =)
    And mind you, I am not to be confused with the "eins" everyone keep on mistaking me for. I don't hang around IRCs and does not even use one.
    Yeah I do. Been doing so for more years now than I can remember. Started around I was 15 almost.

    I'll show you a picture of my breakfast, that umh is not for today but I took it a few days ago to post in the what are you eating n ow thread....just was too lazy to connect the usb cable from my camera to my pc......

    I'll post it here or, post a link. So I can show off my eatable creation.
    Haha yeah DABO and Norikiyo tend to be favourites !!
    Anyways, good you had lots of fun, I did bit of skating yesterday and spent the night making sigs, today as well and since I'm now uploading on another website like AS, only it's for Japanese Hip-Hop, R&B and Reggae, since my collection of albums is ridiculously big anyway..
    I kind of want to upload my lossless compressed Hip-Hop albums here too, but I don't see any interests or motives as to if there would be a point of doing that here; despite Nujabes and Samurai Champloo, this Anime-Sharing after all (`・ω・´)
    W-W-who Ar uuu.??? h-how u g-g-get t-to my roooom.???? :ohnoes:

    meee.....??????? just a retired Spamer.. *COugh.. *COUGH... AHahahhaa...
    sure2.. i'll welcomeeee anybody become my friend. (my english is so so... ) ahahahahah
    Thanks again for the message~

    Same for me~ I usually don't stay active in communities... only this one made me come back. xD

    Piles of videotapes... I miss those times... I still use the VCR. xD

    No thanks necessary. You may type the words 'lazy', but in the end, you still do what needs to be done. :3

    Lively than noisy... It seems you look upon things with a different retrospect. I really like that. As long as they are enjoying themselves, it's hard to argue against that.

    Fancy... wow~ That is very nice. Sounds like a close family. I'm happy for you. ^^

    Using those occasions to cook something... xD I wish my parents did that... They want to rest whenever possible or mostly buy things together.

    Hime-sama~ You're very sweet.

    Take care then~ Thank you for the chat~ Love you~ :fulfilled:
    I wonder how long it would take to stab them all :goodtea: Have fun trying to not get them to stab back~

    Numbers doesnt mean that it is weak~ It just means that theres a lot and if theyre powerful then thats just worse for you~
    Hi hi~ Thank you for the reply. ^^

    I'm very happy you don't regret meeting anyone. It has become one my favorite places now to visit online. :3

    I whole-hardheartedly agree. So many backgrounds and personalities are gathered here in this community. I like learning about them as well.~

    That's a lovely thought you have there. Those photos and videotapes are priceless. It's hard to find anything else warmer and nostalgic than that.

    Big family... traveling... Sounds pretty nice. Keeping hold of what little memories you have... You are a sensible guy. ^^

    So neat... living in the same area... My relatives are in the same state, but we live some miles apart. We try to do some family gatherings (more like family meetings) every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.

    It's mostly my father, my mother, and I. We're a small family, but if you include my relatives... it does become pretty big. xD

    I do love my family. We're mostly busy doing our own things, so family time is important to us. Whenever we have the chance, we just go out and enjoy ourselves. :3

    Hope everything is well with you and your family. Take care~
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