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  • R
    Nothing just studied for 2hours I forgot what I ate for lunch then took a nap for 1 hour ate dinner now I'm watching Tv plus hearing music plus spamming
    You have next week holiday I have next week exams you still have 2 months school I will have about 3months holiday :dthumbup:
    Muhahahahaha I'm at home having fun skipped school today but next week I have a full week exams :donefor:
    I has awesome powers.. that's how i knew it was you~ :blushing:
    D-don't think.... somthing wrong...
    Oh, umm... I was just about to go to sleep... umm I'm sorry I couldn't be with you longer... umm, good night....
    Oh, umm hello... umm thank you for stopping by... umm... I am doing fine....
    Oh okay. XD So you just moved to germany huh? How long have you been living there?

    Well in any case, there IS a loophole on that sensing ability of mine, and it seems you have utilized it well, into making me think you are a boy lol, but I still can't believe it for some reason hahahahaha. XDD

    maybe if you cosplay some cute nekomi- /shot

    And about sam... so an honest to goodness girl as well? XDD
    Yeah, and it wourd be best not to use it on rong posts too because 'they might too rong didn't lead' prus annoyed. XDD
    Thank you!! Definately appreciate ( ^ω^)
    How about something like "WELCOME TO TOKYO"?
    I've also changed the picture
    Thanks for your feedback (*-ω人)
    I think we've pretty much settled on some of the names, right now our #1 is YOYOGI PARK - this is the home of Japanese street & youth culture, where B-Boy, Reggae, R&B, and more Western influences were introduced ヾ(*`∀´*)ゞ

    Anyways hmm, yeah I think a night view may be better, I'll try it in a moment!

    I'm not watching the finals tonight, I won't be able to stand the tension lol
    Thanks fol accepting the fliend lequest too. :XD:

    I thinking of spleading this eyzhin Choinise ranguage evelywhele aha, ahahahah~!!! :XD:

    :RMAO: :LOFR:
    What's good! Sorry I need your opinion again (人´∀`)
    The new layout - what do you think compared to the old one?
    Also, do you have an idea for a replacement text instead of YOYOGI PARK? (the one in front of the image on the background)
    also, do you have any better ideas for a background photo?

    Thanks man, really appreciate feedback m(´_ _)m
    I don't mind. Hahaha. But I'm telling you, I'm no "sir" nor I'm not really something great.
    It was just experience speaking for me back there XD
    Oh okay... But the "good mentor" part still feels wrong hahahaha XD
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