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  • We strive to make it before our 3rd birthday, which will be a big party.
    - It's reminds me 17th october will be second years of AS
    Thanks for hard-working >.<
    Oh, that much update!
    At the first glare I think AS will only have themes system for change (like commiesubs and others) and add more new look.
    Cloud I ask when the will update come ?
    /omg. AS will get big update!? (oops! it's a secret don't say it out loud >.<)
    I have a lot of .png with transparent background in .psd if you want some just tell me.
    I'm making it to make window icon ^^-
    Thanks, and don't mind it. It's not something that seriously.
    Since AS work fine that great for me. It's only a little annoying when open with IE.
    I'm just change my broswer when open AS ^^-
    It's caused by one of the ads banner in the rotation, located in the sidebar. Do you see the ads in the side bar?
    - Nothing appear in my IE but Chome work fine.
    I want to know what is the ads that are showing errors such to you. Ads are targeted by your location, and your likely hood to click on its (category) hence nobody see the same ads as you do.
    - The link when I click on ADS in Chome
    No ADS show up in my IE sorry.
    Hi, Checkmate.
    I have a little problem here.

    It's alway appear in the main page with my Internet Explorer, yes I'm still using IE (IE9)
    It's work fine until yesterday, and it's alway show up that message in the AS main page.
    It's only show up in the AS main page, setting , my profile, and can use topic normally and work perfectly fine.
    I'm try testing open AS main page in Google Chome it was nothing show up.
    Oh, I'm not asking you to fix my IE or anything, I'm just concern it maybe something worg with AS.
    I maybe create topic and ask anyone who open AS with IE and have same problem as me.
    Thanks for reading.
    Yeah, but the only thing I felt really changing was the fact that I don't feel the urge to fake my year of birth anymore :P Hang in there mate, you already came this far. And we're all actually having it rough, aren't we? Well I mean it's only the third semester and I failed two subjects already ;~;

    Don't worry about being FA; in fact, savor this moment. You might miss that feel someday, the days when your time is all yours~
    Oh, my guess about your age was spot on :P
    Yo there Check, sorry for the late reply. I've been busy moving in lately,
    I'm good, and in case you haven't noticed I'm legal now :] Haha thanks, but that's no more than an archaic story now, isn't it? Besides, I'm not that active on the forum anymore. I feel totally out of place now compared to how I was three years ago.

    But enough about me. How about you? Has life been good for you? :)
    Oh, not released yet. I'll keep track of it then. Thank you for the information! :3
    Yo, Checkie-sama! Sorry for disturbing :sowwy: I just wanted to ask you about which game the blonde haired and green eyed girl in the picture that you posted on Ignis b-day thread is from ^^
    I just meant adding you dear \ (^_^)\ as a friendly outreach overdue to a pillar of AS.

    P.s. had a look at your pc building thread not long ago, and it's only a matter of time now before I'll be doing the same in preparation for this autumn. I should recheck that thread... you posted some pics of the end result yet ?
    Come to think of it, I should have done this plenty a while ago. I just though to myself, he's too busy or whatever rationalizations my mind might make up.
    hello checkmate-san you can upload this game もしもオッサンがオークションサイトで知り合った巨乳ギャルを落札したらplease upload this thank you
    Um...I want to see the the CG packs like this but when I use the key words like: [13/02/**], there was no matches. How can I search those old CG packs?
    Um...I told you before, I am not around Yahoo nowadays, last time I checked Yahoo, it was 16 days ago ! lol

    If you need something, you better mail or message me here for faster reply :D

    Anyway, I may show up for a bit if games in you list just come out, so how many games this month ? ^^
    Greetings. ^_^u I been meaning to ask for a while, but i applied as an uploader some time ago and i been working on it for a while. What do i need to do in order to get the official title ? As a in-provation uploader i have to wait for mods to approve my threads in order to get them visible... thats quite bothersome... i want to share my stuff, but its a total letdown having to wait for days for someone to put them online... why do i need to do ? Can you help me out in that one ?
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