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  • ouch we get it 6 years later :dead: Also sucks that it's a GameStop Exclusive

    Yep, finished it, didn't do the 200 lightning or the butterflies :( What about you?

    Supposedly they are going to make Final Fantasy XII on vita also
    Started playing Final Fantasy X-2 on Vita. Brings back a lot of memories when times were so much more simple lol.
    Cool, it sounds like a very nice place. I recently started reading about the history behind Chicago as well.
    I used to live about 1 train stop away from the Chinatown in Chicago, and I used to go there every so often to eat at their restaurants, go to their shops, and also buy a few groceries (and they had awesome European style cakes at their bakeries) I just liked going there since it was different I guess lol. So I just wondered about the one in San Francisco, sorry if it seemed like a odd question.
    I see, nice bit of history. We have a very small China Town in Chicago, but nothing like the one in San Francisco. Do you ever go to the shops there?
    You must have been at Scott Air Force Base then, that's the only Air Base in Illinois that I know of. You know one thing I miss about Air Force/Army bases? It's this little pizza place called Anthony's Pizza, I don't know if you have ever had pizza from there before though. I live by a Naval Station (Great Lakes) but Navy bases are a bit different, no Anthony's Pizza, and they have a NEX instead of a PX.

    Ouch, must have hurt slipping down the stairs :( I slipped and fell so many times on the ice, last year I lost my shoe in the almost waist high snow :( My brother slipped on the ice last year and busted his head open on the street, had to drive him to the ER on the Naval Station.

    Also, if you have PSN Plus Muramasa is free to download on the Vita if you wanna give it a try
    Yeah, it's pretty cool that I can see them from my house, but still would have been nice to see them from the Navy Pier.

    I have never been to California before, how do you like it there? Illinois is okay, it's pretty much a huge corn field state with Chicago in the middle of it all lol.

    We get occasional fog here, but a ton of snow and bitter cold temperatures. This past winter we were hit with -45 degree Fahrenheit temperatures during those terrible winter storms. Also really windy here.
    I wanted to go to the Chicago Navy Pier, which is the main area to see it here. But I Think I will just watch them from my house instead.

    7:30 PM here and the sun is still bright and shining, so they will probably start around 9:30 PM or so.

    Do you live in California?
    Me too!

    Also a extra day to do my homework :runhappy:

    Gonna watch the fireworks in your area?
    I might get it. I kinda suck at Super Smash Brother's to be honest though, I never really figured out how to play it, but I still have fun with it.

    Nice, but to bad I live too far from California, it's pretty much on the opposite side of the US for me :( They are having a anime convention here in Chicago next week, I am thinking of going to it, but I haven't decided yet. Never been to one before so I might. Ask your friend anyway, he might know. Wish I had a friend in a big video game company :(

    I think Langesha has a friend that writes articles for a video game website.
    Don't feel bad, I can draw stick figures that's about it :(

    Are you going to get Super Smash Brothers on 3DS?
    Looks like US will play against Belgium, that will be a tough game for them :(
    The Wii U is cool, I love all the first party games so far, New Super Mario Bro's U, and Super Mario 3D World are really fun. Had a bit of a Mario Kart party last night with some friends. My brother's girlfriend kept getting last place haha, we all had fun though.

    The upcoming Hyrule Warriors on the Wii U looks so good, but it's a huge button masher, my fingers will probably cry whenever I play it lol.

    First week was good, already had 2 quizzes, got an A on both.
    Actually Muramasa isn't as hard as it looks, it's definitely not easy, but also not so difficult that it's unplayable, a few cheap bosses that do make you want to throw your Vita against the wall though lol.

    I never played the Mario & Luigi RPG's are they fun?

    I just bought Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, it's awesome! It came with 1 of 4 free games also, I choose Zelda: Wind Waker HD as the free game :cheering:
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