Wanted to answer you right away last time, but was to tired back then. Now it feels like I have just slept for 3 days straight.
Eheh, rly~ I hope that being cute can be considered a good thing then. I've gradually gotten the impression over some years
that girls see it more of 'just' a weakness. All though; that is also true since it can give vulnerability in some ways

while not in others.
I dread that feeling. At least if it's a permanent feeling of playing catch up. Therefore I'm sry to hear, hope it doesn't get
stressful. ~The only downside of not working in a structured environment. Kudos to you.
I'm super sure it would (Y) I think the problem would be that now that you could find all the time you'd ever want in this dimension, you
might get so lazy about doing anything, and end up just putting things off indefinitely :p You'd come back barely a second after you left
this world, after having spent 500 years in that alt dimension, and your a completely different person, then you realize that you still
haven't actually done what you set out to do in the first place.
huhuh How did you xD ..~know. I thought I wrote some of that stuff quite a while back. Yes I do know how to appreciate things like
that, like the warmth of the sun, how it warms all over, I love that. Like lying stretched out on the balcony in the sun and falling
asleep there ^. I don't really find time to do it too often, that probably only makes me like it even more. Like have you ever looked at the moon before with binoculars when it's full in perigee~(closest to earth) You can see such details under the right conditions.