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  • It may be hard being Lions and Bears fans, but so help me, I am sooo thankful I'm not a Jets fan.

    Talk about a snake bit team. In the latest, a reserve lineman sucker punched QB Geno Smith in the locker room, breaking his jaw. It will require surgery, and he'll be out for a couple of months.

    The LB was released, of course.
    Avatar is probably the easiest/fastest thing left which is my it bothers me that I didn't get the 10min I need x3
    Looks pretty good indeed :0 Love the base and extra's. It's just..the colors could've been a little bit more vibrant IMO but that's just me being nitpicky x3

    Oh do I even have to ask if you're getting the Rise figure? =P
    T-Elos ! sorry man not responding to your messages as they came in.....i spammed alot recently but didn´t reply so im sorry for beeing so unpolite as you were always so kind and the first person i met on ASF.Well im not able to watch MLB atm.But im still tracking the Games/results on inet.Hope your not to much upset.Mets have a good season.... :D
    Yea, she's rather expensive..but..y'know me..dat ass x3

    Nowi huh, I expect a great figure then, she looks really colorful ^^

    Nah I decided to let it pass. I just hope they make a figure of Sachi in the future. She's my favorite from the Visual Novel and my personal ecchi maid waifu :3

    Oh man, you really are good at finding figures for cheaper than their usual price. Teach me master :3
    But yea, I don't think I'd let it slide for 60 either ^^
    She looks really good *_* I'm not even bothered by her size actually. I have a 2 or 3 figures that are slightly bigger than the others too.

    What do you think of this figure?
    I really like it but there's one thing that's stopping me from buying it: the stitching of her fishnet stockings. Looks too sloppy =[
    The usual 4: Marie Rose, Kasumi, Ayane and Momiji
    Not sure about the rest yet :3

    Can't say I like the figure to be honest. Figure looks "too grown up" and missing the moe/cute factor of most other figures x3
    And it does look slightly overpriced, I'd say around $80-85 range
    WoooooooooooW!!!ヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙!!!
    Glad News!!! I'm so glad!!! Because I have it, I practice hard.
    Thank you for contacting me.
    I'm so glad.。:+.゜ヽ(*′ω`)ノ゙。:+.゜

    Yhank you T-ELOS.ヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙
    Hmm..reminder that you should keep your figures boxed for the time being. That little shit =_=
    The figure/paint looks ok from the pics though. I actually have zero figures from Good Smile >_>
    Probably because most GS figures tend to be fairly overpriced IMO
    Still hasn't arrived? It's been a while since you ordered it =/
    Maybe you should mail them. Or maybe it's stuck in customs :0
    I wasn't expecting a ton from it (which is why I didn't bother looking), but that sounds pretty sad indeed.
    First things first. $2500 fine per egg.. What. the. actual. fuck ಠ_ಠ
    That's a whole new level of retarded. Just a chocolate egg with a little toy inside.. =/

    Back to the figures: I've seen Cordelia. And that's much too expensive. Prices usually also depend on the popularity of the figure's origin's and everyone knows Fire Emblem.
    So they like to abuse that, Good Smile especially likes it. It's a great figure but certainly not worth 160000 yen IMO.

    Her skirt comes off!? more dat ass <3 I will request some pictures :fulfilled:
    But yes, she probably has one of the prettiest/well sculpted faces I've seen in a while. Face plays a big part for me, even if the rest looks great, if the face doesn't match I don't like the rest either :x
    Main difference between i5 and i7 is hyper-threading. An i5 has four physical cores, while an i7 has four physical cores but eight logical cores. Essentially what this does is allow better multitasking by putting processes the chip is waiting on to the side and running something else in the meanwhile. If it is waiting for values to return from memory, it can do something else instead of just wait. This will probably do nothing impressive for games -- and in fact might do nothing at all for them. This comes much more in handy for video and transcoding type work. Also note that neither of those are overclock models, if you're interested in that.

    DDR4 is newer... but maybe not better, just yet. Certainly will cost a bit more -- I wouldn't bother with it. Also important to note: there is a good chance that any given motherboard will only support DDR3 OR DDR4, not both. Check to make sure which one it requires.

    I've heard of that site before, so it's probably a decent place to look up what will fit with what. :)
    1st VM:
    I'd get rid of one. It doesn't make much sense to me to have 2 of the same figures. Especially when I like one of the 2 even more. (Blue one is prettier <3)

    2nd VM:
    Oh man, the figure from the first link looks great :0 Nice colors and pose. Oh and her face, they did a great job on that *_*
    I'll await the painted version of the one made by Alter :3
    Kotobukiya makes nice figures, I agree with that.
    And yea, worth the wait and every penny :lovestruck: I actually took it out of the box to put her in the glass display.
    But she's like 1cm too tall to fit in there :deadsad: So I packed her up again.

    Western stuff aren't really my thing but I have to say that it's one nice looking figure :0
    Seems like it'll be an pretty cool figure :0
    Currently uploading pictures of my Tony Art Girls Santa figure. Will post soon :3
    lol profit, nice going x3

    Also, I'd eat that cat >_> But yea, you can send it over. my figures are all either in a glass display case in our living room or still boxed. They're safe :3
    It's a cute figure but nothing really special imo.
    I myself wouldn't buy it though. I prefer the bigger companies like Max Factory and Good Smile Company to name a few.
    Oh cool. Yeah definitely check with them once you know what kind of parts you want. If you have any questions I can try to help out, but I only have basic knowledge of actual building since I've only made maybe 3-4 computers now. I do, however, know a reasonable amount about many of the individual parts and what they'll be good for/not good for.
    Yes, they're a good place. You're in the US, right? Most of the other places I know are Canadian places, but newegg should be good, and Amazon might outdo them from time to time. Might be worth looking during that big sale they're having on the 15th I think it was.
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