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  • R
    No I don't. I have skype though : o
    Oh yes, I have cases of fudge brownies, Baby Ruth, and Mountain Dew stashed away, as well as several TB of magical girl anime, and a bicycle generator for my laptop.

    I'm ready! :chuuni_kraken:

    Oh I see. that sucks. : (
    He would of been cool I bet.
    Right there with the Lions winning Superbowl 50!

    Cubs and Lions champions... isn't that two of the signs of the Apocalypse?
    Yeah we don't let many things through here.
    Immigrants and games lol

    I think it's justified though.
    I know I wouldn't want to play some games that get made these days.

    Yeah it does resemble that way. still it's a form of censorship.
    like how kill bill volume one had black and white scenes at the violent parts.
    Yeah that's understandable. Figurine collecting is an expensive hobby yo!
    Do you think with dangan ronpa?

    The pink blood doesn't censor the violence very much does it.
    We should of given it a higher rating then what it got, tbh.

    Just because it is animated, doesn't make it immune to a safe rating.
    dangan ronpa is just full violence in general.

    oh btw the fantasies with toko are hilarious as.
    You have to look for the authentic sticker on the box.
    some don't have them from manufacturers.

    nice figure. I need more swimsuit ones. : /
    I bought some knock offs just to compare
    and the paint peeled off as soon as I opened it
    it was terribad.... china is so cheap with their fakes....

    All mine are from Japan too.
    That hoop she has is sure distracting : o
    it looks like one of the more expensive ones, unless it's a knock off.
    Pic or it didn't happen. : 3
    chapter 1 woot! : D
    Yeah a few things.

    A game, a plushie and a cd.
    Still further than me. lol
    I wish it was monday already.
    I have parcels coming.
    How many chapters does another episode have? Is it 6 like the other games?
    That's weird. DLC for a language lol.
    seems like a waste.
    I like the gameplay, but it could be improved.
    So much text to read as well.

    is it only in dub, or is there a japanese selection?
    Oh shame that. : (
    I bet it is!
    Never played it.
    You sold your psp. : (
    Sorry for the late reply man. Been so busy =[

    Most adaptations from a game or something to an Anime don't do very well. Danganronpa is indeed one of those.

    I have so many I like xD I mean, I've hit 478 completed anime (includes specials, movies etc etc). It's hard to pick 4 or 5 out of those XD
    One's I like this season and that I can recommend are: God Eater, Ushio to Tora and Charlotte. And the second season of Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya <3

    Lmao at that game XD Japanese people never fail to amaze me with their..creativity :3

    Anyway, I'll be leaving for holidays to Dubai for a week tomorrow so I won't be here during that time.
    Take Care and cya soon~
    It's just fun, like the games.
    Eh? Bought an anime series and a death metal cd.
    The band is aborted lol and the anime is hyper dimension neptunia.
    Yea I've seen the gameplay. looks quite entertaining indeed ^^
    I watched the anime but..don't watch it. It really is all about fan service, nothing worth watching imo. If you need any recommendation, lemme know ;3

    And I want that costume too. Can't find any info on it though. Hope it gets a US/EU release too :0
    Lol vid game names are the way to go. /me gives thumbs up
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