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  • Yea, price it pretty high >_> Maybe it'll drop a bit but I doubt it.

    Just saw this figure. I love purple so this one is really telling me to buy it :ohnoes:
    That sounds fun. I wish I could order pizza like that.
    same here. the thing is, i'm not very interested in the new protag. i haven't looked into the game very much since i don't like to, but from what i've seen, i'm not sure i'll like it
    nah my wifi is good. it's not about playing it on the vita, i'm just positive they'll come out with their GOTY version
    who knows. part of me wants to wait until the vita version comes out, but the other part of me is impatient
    Not sure which i'll be buying, if any. But I'm leaning towards the one with twin tails, sculpting is really nicely done :0

    Lmao, I've seen that figure and I have exactly the same thoughts. Love the pose, expression, shades and colors.
    If ONLY her pants/panties were cast-off I'd get it.. :deadsad:

    That game looks pretty cool indeed. We need more games translated from JAP to ENG..We're missing out on so many good ones D:
    Hey T-ELOS ! yea Ravens lost too....but Mets have a good season ! unfortunately im unable to see many games due to bad inet con.Im fine so far,always tired and in bad mood but thats just me.My Laptop died some time ago so i lost tons of anime,trying to download as much as i can to restore some parts of my collection at least....how are you ? Cubs played a decent season so you can´t be that unhappy i guess ;)
    As long as the game announcers don't say stuff like, "Wow! AP is beating up the 49rs defense like a bunch of little boys!"

    Pretty much the same line-up except I'll add Kasumi to it :3

    I know, the ending left me empty :deadsad: I hope we get more in the future. Some other couples could use more depth.
    I don't read manga's the wouldn't know..I'll have to check it out then.

    You could try any of these if you liked Sakura Trick. These are not in the same level regarding the Yuri though, no/less touching/kissing etc etc but still a pleasant watch imo.
    - Aoi Hana
    - Sasameki Koto
    - Yuru Yuri (More comedy, much less focus on the girl-girl relations but it has a little bit of it)
    - Yuri Kuma Arashi (didn't like this one, dropped it after 5 episodes but you might think otherwise ^^)

    I'm checking these 2 out atm. Not sure if I'll be buying any but, I like them x3
    TRAITOR!!! :korokke_nekobeam:

    To be fair, I am curious how the Vikes will do with Peterson back in the lineup.
    Yoo Elos ^^

    It was awesome man! Much too hot but I'd definitely go back there again. The luxury and the riches is a sight to behold :0

    This popped up in my subs on YouTube:
    Are you getting any? ;3

    As for Sakura Trick..No season 2.. :deadsad: I loved every second of it. By far the cutest yuri anime I've seen up to date.
    Really? Last I heard a few years ago people were making a White House petition to get the ban lifted, but as it failed to meet the required signature threshold, it was shelved. (Though I did hear buzzes about importers getting around the ban and successfully importing them without hiding nor triggering violation...) I'm not really familiar with the finer politics surrounding the ban beyond the general reasoning, but I believe it's high time the ban was lifted :)
    That's too bad, it's a good game. Lions 21-10 at the half.

    Rams beat the Seahawks 34-31 in overtime!
    And already the Lions lead 7-0

    The rookie RB gets a nice scamper into the endzone.
    haven't played it lately.
    oh-------- lol
    playing danganronpa still?
    looks cool and I like the doggy additional.
    the touhou project characters have some of the best makes.
    always a great honour to buy one.
    I bought this a few minutes ago from plamoya.
    hm i don't play games i don't even have PS Vita / PSP or PS3/4 What is the story about of that game?
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