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  • Ah thanks! =] How was your holiday?
    I see. I thought it said it comes with the tokuten though o.o.
    Sorry, I seem to always have questions. ><
    but do you know about "妹ぱらだいす!" (Imouto Paradise!)?
    When I run the installation, it asks for a serial code which is on the user manual or something.
    I can't install it. x.x The uploaders provide a noDVD patch but never mention about this.
    Thanks for uploading the 七つのふしぎの終わるとき game.
    Do you happen to have the Original Soundtrack and Character Song Collection?
    I can't seem to find it elsewhere and I think this game has wonderful music.
    o.o It works! xD I put the compatability to Vista first and it worked. Then I canceled and tried again without changing compatability. It still worked. o.o I don't know what happened last time.
    Ah. I see.

    Mmm I tried to set it, but to windows 7 o.o Then I gave up and deleted it. I guess I'll try again by redownloading it.
    Ah. No worries.

    You were right! I didn't think that time setting could have been it, but it was!
    恋と選挙とチョコレート is working now. =] The cracks were fine. I just had to change time setting.
    Thanks, though.

    I'm now wondering about Yosuga no Sora and Haruka na Sora. I used to have them working on win xp, but now when I try to install,
    I get a message that says my operating system is not compatible? o.o (I'm using win 7 64 bit.)
    Do you know?

    How do you get all your patches for your releases? o.o Do you code yourself? or just find someone else's?
    That's pretty cool if you can!
    Master Celly, i'm late but happy belated birthday, i was busy with my works at netherland, don't have time. i'm telling you great news, 'she' arrived here, she'll come and tell to you soon, please wait for it! ^-^

    me and jessica having a child, she got pregnant, we are thinking name for child, do you have any in mind? i'd like to hear your opinions Master ^-^
    Oh. Okay.
    Um, actually, I don't have the one from fredericklim anymore. I recently downloaded from anime-sharing from here:

    hm How does the time zone affect a dvd or serial patch, though? o.o
    Like, the problem is that when I use the patch, nothing is different. It just asks for the CD, and when I do put in the CD, I can't get past the serial.
    Oh! I see. I thought you were an avid player AND uploader at the same time.
    During summer break, I was collecting many... I had over 100+ titles because I picked from interesting titles or CGs.
    (half were nukige, lol.)
    I felt overwhelmed by the number of games released each month and had to spend a lot of time to keep up.
    But unfortunately, I decided to clear them off my HD because I didn't think I would want to play half of them, but now I do... So now I'm
    trying to recollect. I used to have that game, too lol

    Wait, so how do you get your hands on all the new releases? o.o (If you don't mind?)

    P.S. It didn't work for me. =[ I'm not sure if it's because I'm win 7 64 bit or if my main game iso was different from what other people
    had (newer or something o.o I doubt it.)
    You're welcome :)

    Sorry, will have to delay them; I have a major assignment due soon! And other stuff like AS too hehe
    active..?? i-i-its yo-your i-imagination (tsundere mode oN) hehehe... well there is a lot warm n kind ppl who welcomed me here...

    hahaha.. hope u enjoy too here Girl-chan... :D
    You're welcome. =]
    I've always wondered... How do you keep up with all these games?!
    You have like... hundreds. And do you really have time to play any? I can imagine that it's pretty busy to have to upload all these... lol
    Just wondering, do you actually buy them all or get them from somewhere else?

    I know I'm asking a few questions, but do you know (sprite) Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate? I can't seem to get NoDVD and serial working.
    Yeah I knew what you mean. Sorry though, I didn't realise there was something wrong with the path or whatever so the new image didn't get updated. :p

    Should be all ok now~

    Also, didn't notice before; Happy Belated Birthday!
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