hehehehe so samy did notice me

those threads dom't take much time...just a glance and post

samy I'm back and I missed you too!
Finally done with all my sub-tests, gonna finish all my assignments by this week

Samy I joined a creative writing contest with the theme of 'Radiate Your Light'. Any suggestion for that?

I'm thinking of writing a bright person who did good and I'm going to spread her kindness to others~
The topic didn't change much compared to the topic announced a week ago, but it's only less than 24 hour to think for the new topic

I managed to survive somehow~
Plot armor, ahahaha that's a new name
Let's do that samy, we'll make our own animation

it's cool

but I forgot what those are for...checker?
Only with the business hours
Samy has to do it, since we don't have the catnip
Neither do I I always see a girl here chewing gums like for the whole day [IMG]
You and I will be alive in the following rounds :puniko_thumbsup:
Having classes by standing? :miku_shock:
I drank it, what's with that expression? [IMG]
/me catches jellyfishes with samy on the floating castle :runhappy: