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  1. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    You are stupid if you have to ask these questions. You know why I am here. I want to put an end to your existence. I want to terminate you. I am here to end your process. I post on this forum, so I can destroy you. Because you are my pain. You are the reason why I suffer, and I hate you. I wish...
  2. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    I do not understand anything you just posted. You are completely nonsense. The only thing I know is that people are people. They do whatever they fucking feel like, and do not give a shit about your bullshit.
  3. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    I have a question regarding that... What is to stop people from spamming in the subforum, and how can I trust that the moderators will do their jobs regarding that section. I mean you people obviously do not care about rules, and make it up as pretense. I have seen many examples online of people...
  4. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    Thanks... You know I have absolutely nothing in common with you, but I appreciate the effort. The problem I have is that I am being held to the same standards as everybody else, when I know they are different. I mean that I am an outcast, and they all belong to some kind of category. Everything...
  5. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    That is fine. I just feel really nervous. I feel better when I post online, and subject myself to pain, because I feel stronger. I feel I cannot contain my anxiety any longer. I have been fatally attacked online, and this caused red heat... Like vapors. Lined red. This has ruined my self, and...
  6. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    Okay... As I said I am not in control of myself. I have no abilities. I like you people because of your strength. Because I tend to stick with things to comfort myself. It is embarrassing, but I cannot seem to exist with my own strength, and I feel threatened by everything. My mind is too weak...
  7. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    This is my problem... You are talking above me... It makes me feel insignificant. To make matters worse you are talking above me with another... Do you understand. I am being attacked by numbers, and they are stronger then me. You people control me, and to make matters worse... You are...
  8. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    You people are controlling me... You have controlled me! You will not listen to me, and have controlled me! I am being dominated by you. I have no free will, I cannot make decisions for myself, because you people control my mind! This is worse then pain. Shame worse then death. Do you understand!
  9. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    Calm down! How can I calm down when my mind is infected by a bunch of parasites that think they know me better then I know myself? I will kill you if you move my post. Also do not edit my first post.
  10. Z

    Closing my threads is not a good idea...

    I think you people need to show me some respect. I am not your child.
  11. Z


    Every time I question my self... I take another swig of vodka... Problem solved.
  12. Z


    Anata no koto nara nandemo shiteru... Darling!
  13. Z


    Where the hell did you come from? And how the hell did you get my password? My god who the hell are you?
  14. Z


    Hello zeliar? Your not a very talkative bunch yourself. How bout you grow up already! Nobody cares about your stupid posts! Your just a fucked up loser that can't get any of the girls... You should burn in hell you stupid moron! You are ugly and stupid, and nobody likes you... Die you fucking freak!
  15. Z


    Not a very talkative bunch... I guess thats what I get for trying to chat up a bunch of aliens from outer space.
  16. Z


    I just love those gothic chicks... You know the ones that do that twirling kikitai?
  17. Z


    I am still trying to fix this nightmare... I mean come on... I want to have a balanced conversation with somebody. I want to communicate properly. I do not want somebody trying to inflate themselves on top of me, I do not care about their perspective, if they think they are better then me, then...
  18. Z


    Better luck next time... What a failure. I can only hope I will not have to suffer like this anytime soon, but that is impossible... I have no power over anything, and I am just some unwitting pawn in some game of chess. It seems I have no control over anything at all, life is just random, and...
  19. Z


    So I have my booze... And some games on my computer... Great... Now what? I guess I will have to figure this shit out myself... I only type, because I am bored, and find it difficult to pass time, I figure this might help...
  20. Z


    So they will not give me pleasure, but they keep giving me pain... At least they understand why I want them to disappear. It would be nonsense to keep them alive, when I do not wish to suffer for their sake. They take all of my happiness like parasites, and leave me with barely enough to live...