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  • Users: mejaw
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  1. mejaw


    welcome to asf , who cares about English just enjoy yourself to thy max~~~ :3 P.S ur cosplay is awesome
  2. mejaw

    Hi Yah!

    welcome to asf, hope u enjoy in this site its awesome :3
  3. mejaw

    Light novels

    are u jesus? :3 ARIGATOOO~~~ <3
  4. mejaw

    Sometime i just wish i was never born

    Stand strong and enjoy life while u are at it :3 shake off that feeling and go out with ur friends u need to change the pace sometimes. if u dont have any , u are welcome anytime <3
  5. mejaw


    Lets talk about bad or funny situations that happened recently which makes U say FML :3
  6. mejaw


    Welcome bro, then we have lots to talk about X3
  7. mejaw

    Hi All !!

    welcome~~ who cares about English, just enjoy my friend :3
  8. mejaw

    Hi guys!

    Welcome friend to this awesome site :3
  9. mejaw

    What things you usually do when you get depressed?

    watch anime, find friends with same interest can change your life but i think u need to see a doctor for the depression issue it can be something genetic and can be cured just like me X3 also id like to be friend with u :3
  10. mejaw

    How does Manga & Anime affect your life ?

    i know this is weird but anime saved me, got tough life when i was in middle/highschool etc, even now when i get sad/mad i just watch anime and forget all the bad stuff in 1 hour works better than pills :3 also it made my life more colorful.
  11. mejaw

    Light novels

    i really wish i could read/see ENG (To aru majitsuu no index light novel) because i cant find the Manga that sequel the anime
  12. mejaw

    Shingeki no Kyojin Theory Thread (Chapter 51 so far, Spoilers ahead)

    i feel that Erens father was dead all along, and eren is the one who killed (ate) him but he doesnt remember. read chapter 47 in the manga. it seems they need to eat a human to transform back from titan ---To----> human That means that eren transformed once before becoming a soldier but he...
  13. mejaw

    What kind of stuff do you dislike?

    Spending 500 blood shards in Diablo 3 and get 0 legendary items T.T
  14. mejaw

    What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

    play more diablo 3 ROS
  15. mejaw

    Looking for Visual Novel streams site

    sharing is caring, thank you so much for sharing ur thoughts. Danke~~ :3
  16. mejaw

    What have you bought recently?

    Diablo 3 ROF / Starcraft 2 HOTS :3
  17. mejaw

    What game are you currently playing?

    just bought diablo 3 reaper of souls will play it after installation hope its better than diablo 3 normal version :3
  18. mejaw

    What's the funniest anime you've ever watched?

    the ping pong club 10/10 its old anime so most people doesnt even know it GTO and Gintama are good as well
  19. mejaw

    Anime Endings that made you cry. . .

    roronin kenshin the ova angel beats clannad after story Jojo bazzire adventure 2012 samurai 7 chrono crusade Last Exile there are lots more but i shall suffice with these X3
  20. mejaw

    KSnH (Kyoukai senjou no Horizon) III. it's coming....!!!

    i think 3rd season is coming, 1st and 2nd season sold well. also the story didnt end more like they didnt want to make fake ending etc. so it was obv that they gonna continue later on on some point