What things you usually do when you get depressed?

GenKiDan, thank you for the advise and information about allergy. It is useful, I have known most of them though because I myself am a Pharmacist, but again thank you so much for the detail explanation :)
renano, thank you so much for all of the advise, and the wise words "I scream for Ice cream", hahaha...,though it is a nice advise words, I still don't get the meaning fully, silly me :)
And I think I should say thank you to every one that support me by posting some reply. Now I know that people can be really care to other people even though we are a all a total stranger, that's beyond my thought but now I see it, all of people that I don't know write some support and advise to me. It feels rather magical for me :)
And about my depression, actually although I said that I think to try committing suicide, I also think it is not something that people need to worry about because I have committed suicide two times before, when I was in high school and when I was in college. Both of them failed though I did it carefully, it is just like..., my body refuse suicide, hahahaha. What all of you think about it? :D
So my family didn't surprised much if I said I will commit suicide. They usually said 'It will fail again, so just throw away that suicide project before you ended up as a cripple or mental asylum new residents'. But for me it is just hard to stop trying to think about it, after all I have live with this 'death by suicide wish' for almost 12 year. The first time I think about it was when I was still in elementary school. I have forgotten what is the cause, but all I remember now is the wish, that may be it is better for me to just disappear. I think like that almost all the time, also when I am happy, the thought is there, and I just can't throw it whatever I try.
So please need not to worry everyone, because I myself is always fully with suicidal thought, but I think it is just the 'normal' me and I will try to live with death-wish in my every breath. After all, that is what I am doing until now ;)
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We can even be depressed together lol xD Sometimes I think doing that would be less depressing even though it sounds like a paradox of sorts. There's lot of depressed ppl around... that just sounds so wrong doesn't it.
I've always enjoyed looking at the stars, for many reasons. It makes me thoughtful at times.

Oh and here is a good tip, I should have thought of it before. Venture into one of the spam threads, then talk about whatever comes to your mind. Bump into samy, yes the fellow above me here, and do whatever you feel like, you can fish piranhas with him, using him as bait of course. He's kinda like Kenny in south park, the darnest things happen to him, and yet he's always here. Even though he tries his best to ::runaway::

EDIT: oh I typed the above text here before I saw your reply, we seemed to type and post at the same time there. As to your latest reply.

What I think about it, I think I also have it in the back of my mind, I planned and tried once...or was it twice was it, but only the 2nd latest attempt was really well planned.(I've never hurt myself in anyway though.) I don't feel like I need to die right now, but I DO strongly feel like having just the power to do so IF i should wish to. I don't think I have any plans of getting too old and feeble perhaps, not sure about that. But with me it's not really driven by depression you see, it feels more like just a preference of choice...the liberation and power of having full control, so maybe a slight death wish deep inside, but it's really not good to think too much about it. I can't remember for how long I come to that conclusion. I get ever so slightly annoyed that suicide can actually be so much harder to accomplish than many ppl think.
Your family didn't sound too supportive from the sound of it...

But on the bright side, if you are ready to die, you might just suddenly find that you are also ready to live, with nothing to loose anymore....

And yes, oh, Love is abound and around. It's something most worth living for. But even if you don't see it or find it, or have it at a time of despair, don't give up on hope, thats what the stars are for, just look up and see how they glimmer in the vastness of space and darkness, yet they shine, even if it's ever so faintly.
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[MENTION=27510]svehla[/MENTION]; something else you can do is have a blood test done at a clinic to tell you what you are allergic to. They might be able to pinpoint what is causing your allergic reactions.
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I listen to music that cheers me up, usually i get depressed by events. When i get depressed by events, i usually resolve against them. Turn my depression into determination.
Hmm... suicide being normal... another thing that i cant relate to... I did have thoughts of suicide for maybe a moment because friends werent being nice (probably trying to help me in their own way/i managed to annoy them...) but nothing serious... Takes a moment to find reasons not to~ Like everyone else that there was...~ Lots of people who i could meet in the future..~

Genki is trying to promote meh as bait.......... :traitor:
But if you do come by the spams we could just chat about anything and enjoy whatever randomness that might grow from it xD
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Oh yeah, how could I forget music....after all I've written so far, there are two things that comes to mind....Friends(or just certain people that you care about), Games and Music. Yeah okey it turned into three things along the way.

As I've been known to say in the past, "you don't necessarily need to be alone, not even in loneliness." And there are people who seem to have it all on the outside btw, that can be surrounded by people(just an example) but can still be more lonely then someone who has maybe just One good friend, that really cares, and preferably can connect and relate to as well. Thats a blessing, thinking about it, it's quite poetic and beautiful to me how being overcome by darkness and night, can reveal beautiful sparkling things to you not normally visible in the light of day. It seems like a curse, but can turn to a blessing, though it has it's risks. And when I say reveal, I don't just mean the things you might "find" or realize, but also what it can do to change your own heart, for if you come out of it again, you might no longer be the same person that went in.

I'll leave it at that now. Or else it will be like turning in a school paper.
GenKiDan, thank you for the advise and information about allergy. It is useful, I have known most of them though because I myself am a Pharmacist, but again thank you so much for the detail explanation :)
renano, thank you so much for all of the advise, and the wise words "I scream for Ice cream", hahaha...,though it is a nice advise words, I still don't get the meaning fully, silly me :)
And I think I should say thank you to every one that support me by posting some reply. Now I know that people can be really care to other people even though we are a all a total stranger, that's beyond my thought but now I see it, all of people that I don't know write some support and advise to me. It feels rather magical for me :)
And about my depression, actually although I said that I think to try committing suicide, I also think it is not something that people need to worry about because I have committed suicide two times before, when I was in high school and when I was in college. Both of them failed though I did it carefully, it is just like..., my body refuse suicide, hahahaha. What all of you think about it? :D
So my family didn't surprised much if I said I will commit suicide. They usually said 'It will fail again, so just throw away that suicide project before you ended up as a cripple or mental asylum new residents'. But for me it is just hard to stop trying to think about it, after all I have live with this 'death by suicide wish' for almost 12 year. The first time I think about it was when I was still in elementary school. I have forgotten what is the cause, but all I remember now is the wish, that may be it is better for me to just disappear. I think like that almost all the time, also when I am happy, the thought is there, and I just can't throw it whatever I try.
So please need not to worry everyone, because I myself is always fully with suicidal thought, but I think it is just the 'normal' me and I will try to live with death-wish in my every breath. After all, that is what I am doing until now ;)

A pharmacist. That is truly commendable. ^^

I suppose we mostly repeated what you knew... Haha~

"I scream for ice-cream" just meant that if you ever feel like letting out your emotions... Scream aloud! Lol.

Sometimes, screaming out the things that hurt you or even what you like... makes you feel better.

I used an example earlier about how "I don't like this ice-cream" by screaming in which was my way of releasing my frustrations and anxiety about my life.

If your 'suicidal thoughts' are 'normal', then we believe and trust you. There are plenty of people who think differently and most members of society deem them 'abnormal'.

However, they are 'normal', but not by terms we have come to learn from dictionaries or school.

I have sadistic thoughts everyday that involve other people doing dangerous things, but logic and reason tend to win because I would always think "What do I benefit from another person's misfortune?".

Please remember that... you are not alone. We will be here~ :3
Hmm... there is a difference between being alone and being lonely... One just means you dont have anyone around and may not be a bad thing while the second means that you feel like there is no one around even if youre surrounded by others... somewhat more negative...

Many words are subjective including "normal..." There is no clear definition and everyone you ask will have a different idea of it... Society shapes the definition but its difficult to find a specific definition that everyone would agree upon..~

Though ojou sama seems to enjoy my misfortune =w=
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as someone who's fought depression for years, the only suggestion i can give is dont rely on drugs (whether they be legal or not)

as much as you want to rid yourself of feeling the way you do, supressing your emotions is not the right way. sure you may not be sad anymore, but you will begin to realise that after awhile you lack almost any emotion & after that point its incredibly difficult to find yourself back in a state of normality.
I start to imagine all sort of things that makes me happy all those gore things I'll do if I could to someone I hate and maybe becoming a millionaire...
Then after I calmed myself I start thinking like meditating and sorting all of my problems...
I never get depressed (if it's literally in depression state) though...
I mean if I get stressed over a lot of problems that never ends... :reallyconfused:
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I just got fired due to my health condition and some internal affairs in office, so my friends there hate me, my family look me like someone that need to be thrown to the mental asylum soon, my old friends busy with their works, and my boy friend currently have some affair with my best friend.
First of all: What kind of assholes can your best friend and your boyfriend be? sorry if I say this so roughly but GAWD!
Arent there any good people out there anymore?

So, is your current health condition conected to your depressions?
if so, I know how you feel. Was in the same situation when i went to highschool.
My Grandpa died who was like a father to me, my mum suffers also from depression, my 3 brothers are retarded dumb and lazy and somehow change to douchebags, one of my brothers sold drugs, our house looks like fuckin haunted house, my family is quite poor, and my cat almost died...
I was sick pretty often back then.
Situation is almost the same today. but I am now living at my grandma's place, and never got sick even once since over a year now.
Also my friends really cheered me up but since your friends are busy you might just need a change of pace.
you might should move, leave your boyfriend slap your best friend and just say the things you want to say to the people that deserve to hear them.
it can be quite relieving.
maybe anime, manga and games could also cheer you up.
but you should get your life together first.
you might take a cure to recover from the past stress. then move and find a new job or something.
I want to say Thank you for every one that give much care and advice to me in this thread! Although all of you is so far, but you have become my strength when I passed my dark times :D

I have a good news for every one, that now I have totally get out from my depression, I haven't find a new job, but I manage to live by opening a shop in mu house, and all things go smooth so far. I still want to die sometimes because life still feels difficult for me, but I didn't have urge to realize that thought, cut it short, I have lost my suicidal feelings, and now I feel much relieved than before :D

My allergy reaction also become lighter, I have checked my blood, and it's true that I have allergy reaction to many things, including hot and cold temperature, and raw water. So it makes sense why I always get allergy reaction. But I have take medicine, and I also have maintained the dose, so it won't danger my body in long time usement :)

Another good news, I didn't break up with my boyfriend, I have talked with him and my best friend, and it seems that we three thinks the same, but never communicate each other. We three really love each other deeply. The decision is, we three become a lovers now, My boyfriend is with me and my best friend, so I will call him "our boyfriend", hahaha...., I wish this relationship could last forever, though I now it's impossible :D

I have made up with my family, and I have also made up my future, because next march I will start study English literature at University, I want to leave my current pharmacy career , and start over with new one. I just didn't find any enjoyment in it from the beginning, my parents has forced me into it, so yeah, now I have the will to leave it and build the new one. I wish my luck on this :D

And I should say some special thanks to: marmora, GenKiDan, samyeung46, T-ELOS, and renano. You all give me long advise, and some explanation that really useful to me, I can say, it give me new perspectives about people around me. I am glad can meet with all of you here :D
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watch anime, find friends with same interest can change your life but i think u need to see a doctor for the depression issue it can be something genetic and can be cured just like me X3

also id like to be friend with u :3
Its good to hear your doing well. Good Luck svehla in your new studies and I hope you find enjoyment in your life. I know some days it can be hard but you have to think positive like I do everyday. Enjoy your life and live it to the best you can do and you will see great results. If you want to chat you can send me a message.

Kind Regards

I usually just like to be by myself and do my own things. I'll listen to music and draw, or go online and watch youtube videos. I really just have to be by myself sometimes, recharge, and then i would feel alot better. :)
I play music or sleep in all day and stay awake all night or play videos games...
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I usually just like to be by myself and do my own things. I'll listen to music and draw, or go online and watch youtube videos. I really just have to be by myself sometimes, recharge, and then i would feel alot better. :)

Same!.. XD
Some Fluffy feel good Otome is my way of getting over my depression :D
Lay my head under the water and drown out the world. Wake up again the next day and soldier on.

The best thing to fight depression is to take care of yourself. Live life honestly, earnestly and grow as a person.

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