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  1. waifutime

    [Hentai game] [200529] [ILLUSION] ハニーセレクト2 リビドー + Kunoichi Set + Dog Ear & Dog Tail Set [H-Game]

    No. Just right click HoneySelect2.exe, click on "Run as administrator" and that's it. This fixed it for me and a bunch of peoples. It has nothing to do with the performance.
  2. waifutime

    [Hentai game] [200529] [ILLUSION] ハニーセレクト2 リビドー + Kunoichi Set + Dog Ear & Dog Tail Set [H-Game]

    For people getting an endless white screen after clicking on HoneySelect2.exe, make sure you right click it and click "Run as administrator". This fixed the white screen bug for me.
  3. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Play Home (プレイホーム) - Discussion & FAQ

    What is this? Translation for the studio?
  4. waifutime

    [Misc] PlayHome VR

    Hi OP, now that the studio is out, are you still working on this? Would be nice to have VR in the studio!
  5. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Play Home (プレイホーム) - Discussion & FAQ

    Hopefully this game will get more popular with the modder once the studio is release. No studio is so boring. I have so many DLC and mod installed for Honey Select stupio, there's no point in playing PH at all ._.
  6. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Play Home (プレイホーム) - Discussion & FAQ

    They'll add a studio later, they always do. Just gotta wait.
  7. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

    i got studio neo to work, when i press M it goes into VR mode, it work but how do I move around? Do i need oculus touch or something?
  8. waifutime

    [Clothing] Zero suit & Star Ship

    Re: Zero suit & Star Ship cur144, you always make the best mod! THANK YOU! Wait, how do you not have the rainbow texture? Are you showing us another mod?
  9. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Request Thread

    I'm going to be that nice random person, here's the Honey Select paste bin link, this link contain nearly every mods ever released and it's also updated frequently. The link: Just CTRL+F whatever you need. Can be tricky sometimes but once you got the file name of...
  10. waifutime

    [Patch] Honey Select - MF Patch + EMF Patch

    Anyone know why the VR won't work? I've had to re-installed the game but I can't get the VR to work again :( 1- I followed this installation order, exactly : 2- I installed the EMF PATCH (lastest one with VR 0.6 in it). The EMF patch linked here. 3- Everything...
  11. waifutime

    Hongfire offline?

    Bean Bandit, the hero we need!
  12. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Request Thread

    Is there a clothing mod somewhere for the infamous keyhole cat lingerie? Anyone wanna make one? Example in case you live under a rock XD : Would be awesome to have a mod like this, I don't think it would be that hard to make either? I don't mod, so I'm not sure. edited: so apparently...
  13. waifutime

    [Utility] SkinTexMod for Honey Select

    Hey guys I'm using Samus Zero Suit for Skintexmod, it's nice but I get this problem does anyone know how to fix this? EDIT : Nevermind, I have to edit the nipple and make them transparent, this seems to fix it.
  14. waifutime

    [Patch] Honey Select - MF Patch + EMF Patch

    I forgot if I asked but is there, eventually, going to be an EMF with every DLC and Expansion it in?
  15. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Request Thread

    Re: [REQUEST] Blank background map Yes, that would be nice. I don't know why we can't change the background color in VR. White is hurting my eyes :(
  16. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Request Thread

    Re: Request : school infirmary map Awesome, thanks!
  17. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Request Thread

    Request : school infirmary map Anyone good enough to make an school infirmary map? Something simple, just a small room with 2 beds or so. We have a bunch of nurse costumes but no infirmary map? Shame! Maybe someone remember but there was a really good school infirmary map for the game...
  18. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

    YES! I downloaded ShortcutsHS and it worked with spacebar! You're aweome, thank you SO MUCH! If anyone is interesteed, link for ShortcutsHS -->...
  19. waifutime

    [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

    Spacebar doesn't do anything for me, that's odd. What version of CM Mod are you using? Edit:I tried all CM Mod versions, none of them let me use spacebar to hide the UI in the studio, could it be that it's from another mod that you might have installed? If you remove "CMModForHS.dll" and...