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  1. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [240628] [FG REMAKE] 同級生2リメイク 豪華版 + Update 1.01 [H-Game] [Crack Updated]

    @girlcelly Thanks for the upload of the main game. @always_smile Where're you when we need you the most :X
  2. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [201127] [ALICESOFT] ドーナドーナ いっしょにわるいことをしよう [H-Game] [Crack]

    Here you go:
  3. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] ★ 自炊 Own Bought Game ★ [170127][ALICESOFT] は~とふるママン パッケージ版 [1408M]

    Oh my gosh, you are right! I didn't realize that...until I saw your post. It may well be 4 years late of reply, but thanks to your post, I've just realized this point. Maybe because it's how "pure and innocent" the game is portraying the main character to be, instead of some savage...
  4. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [210226] [FANZA GAMES] 同級生リメイク [H-Game] [Crack]

    Re: [210226] [FANZA GAMES] 同級生リメイク [H-Game] This game is a masterpiece of masterpiece...I can finally understand why did Japanese people refer to this game as the god-tier game. Would be really interested to hear who is your favorite in-game character to those who have played the game.
  5. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] ❀AS Bought Game❀ [201225] [BISHOP] 隷嬢管理棟 ~制服少女たちの搾乳隷属記~ [H-Game] [Crack]

    Hey there Illamng. I'm interested by what you were referring to when you said "gofile . io / d/0tv5go" Are you referring to the way to "crack" the file directly? If that is the case, which file are you referring to when you said "gofile"? Also, which kind of tool are you using, or if possible...
  6. IcyCream

    What is your 5 year plan?

    This is an interesting thread to follow. Posting just to see what type of interesting response comes in. This isn't against the rule is it...?
  7. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [200424] [あざらしそふと] アマカノ2 + Bonus + Update 1.1 [H-Game] didn't hit me that we can view from that perspective! That's a really fresh for me, thanks for sharing your opinion! Mind blown actually. Wow..this is like my first time seeing someone being that passionate for eroge companies. Maybe I was just living in a small small well afterall...
  8. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [200424] [あざらしそふと] アマカノ2 + Bonus + Update 1.1 [H-Game]

    Thanks for the reply! I've just read the news about Minori and it doesn't seem like the reason behind the company closure was due to any financial problem, but because of other reasons... Sorry I don't know much about this company until now, but it seems they...
  9. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [200424] [あざらしそふと] アマカノ2 + Bonus + Update 1.1 [H-Game]

    Mind sharing with me which company that would be...?
  10. IcyCream

    exhentai/sad panda down again?

    I gave up on accessing it ages ago. Could never access it, even after creating a forum account. Tried asking why in the forum, and was deleted by the admin/ mod, without explaining why or whatsoever.
  11. IcyCream

    State of HF

    Not really surprised seeing un-managed posts/ threads posted by spammers + botters in countless of sections. It's just not the HF that we used to know, so nowadays AS is my go-to site.
  12. IcyCream

    日本語で雑談 Japanese Free Talk

    なんか言ってること矛盾してない? 大学卒業した貴方は何故再び大学の試験を受けたのか...?
  13. IcyCream

    name of this japanese porn

    The image for "preview.jpg" is way too blur and the camera perspective is steep for anyone to identify those two actresses. As for the actress in "wRvp7TaY4sry.png", I'm pretty sure her name is called 小島みなみ (こじま みなみ) (Minami Kojima). Lastly, the name of the actress appearing in...
  14. IcyCream

    Does anyone now of this JAV?

    I'm pretty sure her name is 上原亜衣(うえはらあい) (Ai Uehara) Try googling for her name to check if it's her. And if it's not, post here again for update so others could help you identify her again.
  15. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [New Release][180420][神乳] 福音のアパスル (Ver.1.1.1) [959M] [RJ221472]

    Re: [New Release][180420][神乳] 福音のアパスル [892M] [RJ221472] Here you go!
  16. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [H-Games][ACT] Horror Book (November 2016) / ホラーブック

    Wait for the "enemy" to fade out. During that time, run pass it to avoid his attack.
  17. IcyCream

    [ILLUSION] VR Kanojo (VRカノジョ)

  18. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [RPG] [BigWednesday] FOUND DEAD -ファウンドデッド- / FOUND DEAD Ver 1.7

    Re: [RPG] [BigWednesday] FOUND DEAD -ファウンドデッド- / FOUND DEAD Ver.1.5 Requesting for the version update to 1.6.4 >.< Thanks in advance ^^
  19. IcyCream

    [Hentai game] [RPG] [幼心の君に] The Zombie Island ~絶望と欲望のサバイバル~ / [Osanagocoronokimini] The Zombie Island Ver.2.1

    Re: [RPG] [幼心の君に] The Zombie Island ~絶望と欲望のサバイバル~ / [Osanagocoronokimini] The Zombie Island Would be great if there's an update to the latest version...since it is really buggy in the current v1.0. Is a request for an update in this thread forbidden? >.<
  20. IcyCream

    ~Behold, a new beauty of Newhalf named "西咲妃那" has been born into the JAV world~

    ~Behold, a new beauty of Newhalf named "西咲 妃那" has been born into the JAV world~ For people who are into "ふたなり" (Futanari), rejoice! I'm bringing you news. (Well, the closest thing you could really enjoy would actually be "Tranny" in the real world) As the title suggested, an all new member...