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  1. Psyren

    The Two Last Letters Game

  2. Psyren

    What is your favorite manga?

    'The Breaker' = best ever! 'Priest' was good too but it is on haitus in volume 16 onwards. Too bad, it was a good read too.
  3. Psyren

    Does anyone know of any good post-apocalyptic zombie apocalypes manga?

    Check out "Apocalypse no Toride". It is good but it takes too long before they update chapters. Each chapter has like 50-60 pages so it may be worthwhile. The latest I chapter I think is 15 or 16. Go check it out.
  4. Psyren

    What game Story did you recently like?

    Honestly, the best game storyline for me was Suikoden 2. It was run on PS1 so the graphics may not be that good (but they were good for ps1). Check it out on youtube or something if you want. But i do warn you, it is for PS1 so if you want superb graphics or something, it may not be your thing...
  5. Psyren

    [720p] [Doki] To LOVE-Ru Darkness [Bluray] [UNCENSORED]

    Thanks for this. I'm pretty excited about volume 6! I can't wait for it to be subbed since it was released like 3 or 4 days ago. Let's hope it goes well and be released soon! ;)
  6. Psyren

    [English] Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! [Partial English]

    well the site's back up and accessible again. i guess i was just paranoid or something.
  7. Psyren

    [English] Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! [Partial English]

    i was wondering what ever happened to wairu.blogspot who translates both majikoi S and majikoi A. can't access their blog it says only the chosen can enter the site. is it hacked or something? and they were so close to releasing like 3 routes :<
  8. Psyren

    [English] Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! [Partial English]

    Yandere's site is up again and I saw that miyako patch is 70% translated! i'm soooo excited! :D
  9. Psyren

    [Japanese] [101029][sprite] 恋と選挙とチョコレート 初回限定特装版 + Bonus + Tokuten + Original Soundtrack + Update [Serial + No DVD Patch is included]

    i was just wondering if there was an English patch for this game? the english patch seems to be non-existent, or maybe there was an english patch and i had no idea it existed? lol. thanks in advance! :D
  10. Psyren

    What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

    get out of bed and smoke a cigarette while listening to classical music on my iPod. classy as always. ;)
  11. Psyren

    [English] Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! [Partial English]

    true that. a lot of events would always be left out whenever a visual novel would be turned into an anime. anyway, thanks for the news. i thought that they stopped working on it since the site was down. good thing they didn't. hope that they get their site back up to not confuse people like me...
  12. Psyren

    [English] Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! [Partial English]

    So, any news about the Miyako route translation? their site seems to be down :( and i got to finish all the routes prior to the Miyako one. I've been dying to play the Miyako route.