
  1. [FFF] Strike the Blood

    [720p] [FFF] Strike the Blood

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: ストライク・ザ・ブラッド Alternative Name: 噬血狂袭 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Episodes: 24 Categories: Action, Contemporary Fantasy, Demons, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Magic, School, Shounen, Supernatural, Super Power, Vampire Producer: Connect, Silver Link Group: FFF...
  2. [Hiryuu] Freezing Vibration [UNCENSORED]

    [720p] [Hiryuu] Freezing Vibration [UNCENSORED]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: フリージング ヴァイブレーション Alternative Name: Freezing 2, 结界女王 震颤 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Dec 20, 2013 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Alien, Boing, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Harem, Large Breasts, Martial Arts, Military, Nudity, Romance, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Violence Producer...
  3. [Vivid] Coppelion

    [720p] [Vivid] Coppelion

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: COPPELION Alternative Name: 核爆末世录, コッペリオン Aired: Oct 2, 2013 to Dec 25, 2013 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Dystopia, Post-apocalypse, Sci-Fi, Seinen Producer: GoHands, Starchild Records Group: Vivid SUMMARY In 2016, a meltdown of a nuclear power plant...
  4. [HorribleSubs] Strike the Blood

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Strike the Blood

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: ストライク・ザ・ブラッド Alternative Name: 噬血狂袭 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Episodes: 24 Categories: Action, Contemporary Fantasy, Demons, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Magic, School, Shounen, Supernatural, Super Power, Vampire Producer: Connect, Silver Link Group...
  5. corocoro

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Strike the Blood

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: ストライク・ザ・ブラッド Alternative Name: 噬血狂袭 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Episodes: 24 Categories: Action, Contemporary Fantasy, Demons, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Magic, School, Shounen, Supernatural, Super Power, Vampire Producer: Connect, Silver Link Group...
  6. corocoro

    [720p] [Underwater] Kill La Kill

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: キルラキル Alternative Name: KLK, KILL la KILL, Клъцни-трепи, Круши-кромсай, Убийствени намерения, 双斩少女 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Episodes: 24 + 1 Categories: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, High School, School, School Life, Seinen, Slapstick, Super Power...
  7. [FFF] IS: Infinite Stratos 2

    [720p] [FFF] IS: Infinite Stratos 2

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: IS<インフィニット・ストラトス> 2 Alternative Name: Infinite Stratos 2, IS2 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Dec 20, 2013 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Comedy, Harem, Mecha, Power Suit, School Life, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Shounen Producer: 8bit, Lantis, Project IS, Sony Music...
  8. [Commie] IS: Infinite Stratos 2

    [720p] [Commie] IS: Infinite Stratos 2

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: IS<インフィニット・ストラトス> 2 Alternative Name: Infinite Stratos 2, IS2 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Dec 20, 2013 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Comedy, Harem, Mecha, Power Suit, School Life, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Shounen Producer: 8bit, Lantis, Project IS, Sony Music...
  9. corocoro

    [1080p] [FFF] Shingeki no Kyojin [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 進撃の巨人 Alternative Name: Attack on Titan, Shingeki no Kyoujin, AoT, SnK, Shingeki, Advancing Giants, Atacul Titanilor, Shingeki no Kyojin TV, L'attaque des Titans, Атака Титанів, Вторжение Гигантов, На бій проти титанів, Нашествие на гиганти, حمله به تایتان...
  10. corocoro

    [720p] [FFF] Shingeki no Kyojin [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 進撃の巨人 Alternative Name: Attack on Titan, Shingeki no Kyoujin, AoT, SnK, Shingeki, Advancing Giants, Atacul Titanilor, Shingeki no Kyojin TV, L'attaque des Titans, Атака Титанів, Вторжение Гигантов, На бій проти титанів, Нашествие на гиганти, حمله به تایتان...
  11. [HorribleSubs] IS: Infinite Stratos 2

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] IS: Infinite Stratos 2

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: IS<インフィニット・ストラトス> 2 Alternative Name: Infinite Stratos 2, IS2 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Dec 20, 2013 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Comedy, Harem, Mecha, Power Suit, School Life, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Shounen Producer: 8bit, Lantis, Project IS, Sony Music...
  12. corocoro

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] IS: Infinite Stratos 2

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: IS<インフィニット・ストラトス> 2 Alternative Name: Infinite Stratos 2, IS2 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Dec 20, 2013 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Comedy, Harem, Mecha, Power Suit, School Life, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Shounen Producer: 8bit, Lantis, Project IS, Sony Music...
  13. [HorribleSubs] Kill La Kill

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Kill La Kill

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: キルラキル Alternative Name: KLK, KILL la KILL, Клъцни-трепи, Круши-кромсай, Убийствени намерения, 双斩少女 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Episodes: 24 Categories: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, High School, School, School Life, Seinen, Slapstick, Super Power...
  14. corocoro

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Kill La Kill

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: キルラキル Alternative Name: KLK, KILL la KILL, Клъцни-трепи, Круши-кромсай, Убийствени намерения, 双斩少女 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Episodes: 24 Categories: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, High School, School, School Life, Seinen, Slapstick, Super Power...
  15. corocoro

    [720p] [Commie] Kill La Kill

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: キルラキル Alternative Name: KLK, KILL la KILL, Клъцни-трепи, Круши-кромсай, Убийствени намерения, 双斩少女 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Episodes: 24 Categories: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, High School, School, School Life, Seinen, Slapstick, Super Power...
  16. [3xR] Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [1080p] [3xR] Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 攻殻機動隊 Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society Alternative Name: Koukaku Kidoutai Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society, Koukaku Kidoutai Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society, GitS SAC SSS, GitS: SAC 3, GitS SAC 3, GitSSAC3, SAC3, SSS, Ghost in the...
  17. corocoro

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Coppelion

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: COPPELION Alternative Name: 核爆末世录, コッペリオン Aired: Oct 2, 2013 to Dec 25, 2013 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Dystopia, Post-apocalypse, Sci-Fi, Seinen Producer: GoHands, Starchild Records Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY In 2016, a meltdown of a nuclear power...
  18. corocoro

    [720p] [Commie] Kyousougiga (2013)

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 京騒戯画 (2013) Alternative Name: Kyousou Giga (TV), Kyousougiga (TV), Kyousogiga (TV), Capital Craze Comic (2013), Kyousogiga (2013), Mirror Capital, קיוסוגיגה, 京騒戯画 Aired: Oct 10, 2013 to Dec 19, 2013 Episodes: 10 Categories: Action, Adventure, Anthropomorphism...
  19. [THORA] Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven [Bluray]

    [1080p] [THORA] Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 攻殻機動隊 S.A.C. 2nd GIG Individual Eleven Alternative Name: Koukaku Kidoutai S.A.C. 2nd GIG Individual Eleven, Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven, Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd GIG Movie, Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex - Les Onze...
  20. Comic Action Pizazz 2013-11 / アクションピザッツ2013年11月号

    [Japanese] Comic Action Pizazz 2013-11 / アクションピザッツ2013年11月号

    Comic Action Pizazz 2013-11 アクションピザッツ2013年11月号 128 MB, 1222 × 1800, 256 Pages Type: Magazine Language: Japanese :rolleyes: