
  1. [HorribleSubs] Fuuun Ishin Dai Shougun

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Fuuun Ishin Dai Shougun

    SERIESOriginal Name: 風雲維新ダイ☆ショーグン Alternative Name: Fuuun Ishin Dai☆Shogun, Dai-Shogun: Great Revolution, 风云维新大将军 Aired: Apr 10, 2014 to Jun 26, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Historical, Juujin, Large Breasts, Martial Arts, Mecha, Ninja, Pantsu, Piloted Robot, Small Breasts Producer...
  2. [HorribleSubs] Fuuun Ishin Dai Shougun

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Fuuun Ishin Dai Shougun

    SERIESOriginal Name: 風雲維新ダイ☆ショーグン Alternative Name: Fuuun Ishin Dai☆Shogun, Dai-Shogun: Great Revolution, 风云维新大将军 Aired: Apr 10, 2014 to Jun 26, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Historical, Juujin, Large Breasts, Martial Arts, Mecha, Ninja, Pantsu, Piloted Robot, Small Breasts Producer...
  3. corocoro

    [720p] [Commie] Black Bullet

    SERIESOriginal Name: ブラック・ブレット Alternative Name: ブラック・ブレット BLACK BULLET [黒の銃弾], 黑色子弹 Aired: Apr 8, 2014 to Jul 1, 2014 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Cyborgs, Harem, Horror, Martial Arts, Mystery, Parasite, Post-apocalypse, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Tragedy, Violence Producer: Kinema Citrus...
  4. [Coalgirls] Porco Rosso [Dual Audio]

    [1080p] [Coalgirls] Porco Rosso [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 紅の豚 Alternative Name: Crimson Pig, The Scarlet Pig, The Crimson Pig, Kurenai no Buta, KureButa, KnB, PR, Punainen sika, Kızıl Kanatlar, Szkarłatny pilot, Porco Rosso - A mesterpilóta, Porco Rosso - O Último Herói Romântico, Porko Roso, Порко Россо, Οι Αερομαχίες...
  5. [Coalgirls] Porco Rosso [Dual Audio]

    [720p] [Coalgirls] Porco Rosso [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 紅の豚 Alternative Name: Crimson Pig, The Scarlet Pig, The Crimson Pig, Kurenai no Buta, KureButa, KnB, PR, Punainen sika, Kızıl Kanatlar, Szkarłatny pilot, Porco Rosso - A mesterpilóta, Porco Rosso - O Último Herói Romântico, Porko Roso, Порко Россо, Οι Αερομαχίες...
  6. [AtoZ] Vividred Operation [Bluray] [UNCENSORED]

    [1080p] [AtoZ] Vividred Operation [Bluray] [UNCENSORED]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: ビビッドレッド・オペレーション Alternative Name: Vivid Red Operation, Vividred, VividAss, 비비드 레드 오퍼레이션 Aired: Jan 11, 2013 to Mar 29, 2013 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Ecchi, Pantsu, Sci-Fi, Seinen Producer: A-1 Pictures, Aniplex TV/BD Differences Group: AtoZ (Translation...
  7. [Hatsuyuki] Dragon Ball Kai (2014)

    [720p] [Hatsuyuki] Dragon Ball Kai (2014)

    SERIESOriginal Name: ドラゴンボール改 (2014) Alternative Name: Dragon Ball Z Kai (2014), Dragonball Kai, DBK, DB Kai, DBZ Kai, ドラゴンボール改 Aired: Apr 6, 2014 to ? Episodes: 61 Categories: Action, Adventure, Alien, Comedy, Cyborgs, Fantasy, Genetic Modification, Human Enhancement, Humanoid Alien, Martial...
  8. corocoro

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Hitsugi no Chaika

    SERIESOriginal Name: 棺姫のチャイカ Alternative Name: Chaika The Coffin Princess, Czajka: Księżniczka z trumną, 棺姬嘉依卡 Aired: Apr 10, 2014 to Jun 26, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen Producer: Bones, flying DOG, Kadokawa Shoten Group: HorribleSubs...
  9. [HorribleSubs] Hitsugi no Chaika

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Hitsugi no Chaika

    SERIESOriginal Name: 棺姫のチャイカ Alternative Name: Chaika The Coffin Princess, Czajka: Księżniczka z trumną, 棺姬嘉依卡 Aired: Apr 10, 2014 to Jun 26, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen Producer: Bones, flying DOG, Kadokawa Shoten Group: HorribleSubs...
  10. [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G [Bluray]

    [720p] [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 戦姫絶唱シンフォギアG In the distance, that day, when the star became music... Alternative Name: Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: In the Distance, That Day, When the Star Became Music..., Senhime Zesshou Symphogear G: In the Distance, That Day, When the Star Became Music...
  11. [HorribleSubs] Akuma no Riddle

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Akuma no Riddle

    SERIESOriginal Name: 悪魔のリドル riddle story of devil Alternative Name: Riddle Story of Devil, AnR, 悪魔のリドル, 恶魔的谜语 Aired: Apr 4, 2014 to Jun 20, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Angst, Coming of Age, Conspiracy, Nudity, School, Shoujo Ai, Tragedy, Underworld Producer: Diomedea, Mainichi...
  12. corocoro

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Soul Eater Not!

    SERIESOriginal Name: ソウルイーターノット! Alternative Name: SEN! Aired: Apr 9, 2014 to Jul 2, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Shounen, Supernatural Producer: Bones, Square Enix, TV Tokyo Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY Soul Eater NOT! is a side-story to the main series, focusing on a...
  13. [HorribleSubs] Black Bullet

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Black Bullet

    SERIESOriginal Name: ブラック・ブレット Alternative Name: ブラック・ブレット BLACK BULLET [黒の銃弾], 黑色子弹 Aired: Apr 8, 2014 to Jul 1, 2014 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Cyborgs, Harem, Horror, Martial Arts, Mystery, Parasite, Post-apocalypse, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Tragedy, Violence Producer: Kinema Citrus...
  14. corocoro

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Black Bullet

    SERIESOriginal Name: ブラック・ブレット Alternative Name: ブラック・ブレット BLACK BULLET [黒の銃弾], 黑色子弹 Aired: Apr 8, 2014 to Jul 1, 2014 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Cyborgs, Harem, Horror, Martial Arts, Mystery, Parasite, Post-apocalypse, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Tragedy, Violence Producer: Kinema Citrus...
  15. [WhyNot] Captain Earth

    [720p] [WhyNot] Captain Earth

    SERIESOriginal Name: キャプテン・アース Alternative Name: 地球队长 Aired: Apr 6, 2014 to Sep 21, 2014 Episodes: 25 Categories: Action, Alien, Humanoid Alien, Mecha, Piloted Robot, Romance, Sci-Fi, Super Power Producer: Avex Entertainment, Bones Group: WhyNot SUMMARY One night, right before summer...
  16. corocoro

    [720p] [Commie] JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Stardust Crusaders

    SERIESOriginal Name: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 スターダストクルセイダース Alternative Name: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, Dai San Bu Kujo Jotaro: Mirai e no Isan, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3, JJBA 2014, JJBASC, JoJo 2014, JoJoSC, Невероятните приключения на Джо-Джо и звездните кръстоносци Aired: Apr 5...
  17. corocoro

    [720p] [Mezashite] Gokukoku no Brynhildr

    SERIESOriginal Name: 極黒のブリュンヒルデ Alternative Name: Brynhildr in the Darkness, 极黑的布伦希尔德 Aired: Apr 6, 2014 to Jun 29, 2014 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Alien, Angst, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Harem, Horror, Human Enhancement, Love Polygon, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Super Power, Tragedy...
  18. corocoro

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Gokukoku no Brynhildr

    SERIESOriginal Name: 極黒のブリュンヒルデ Alternative Name: Brynhildr in the Darkness, 极黑的布伦希尔德 Aired: Apr 6, 2014 to Jun 29, 2014 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Alien, Angst, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Harem, Horror, Human Enhancement, Love Polygon, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Super Power, Tragedy...
  19. corocoro

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Gokukoku no Brynhildr

    SERIESOriginal Name: 極黒のブリュンヒルデ Alternative Name: Brynhildr in the Darkness, 极黑的布伦希尔德 Aired: Apr 6, 2014 to Jun 29, 2014 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Alien, Angst, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Harem, Horror, Human Enhancement, Love Polygon, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Super Power, Tragedy...
  20. corocoro

    [720p] [Commie] Captain Earth

    SERIESOriginal Name: キャプテン・アース Alternative Name: 地球队长 Aired: Apr 6, 2014 to Sep 21, 2014 Episodes: 25 Categories: Action, Alien, Humanoid Alien, Mecha, Piloted Robot, Romance, Sci-Fi, Super Power Producer: Avex Entertainment, Bones Group: Commie SUMMARY One night, right before summer...