Title: Tsuma ga Shounen-tachi ni Choukyou Sareteiru You Desu
Original title: 妻が少年達に調教されているようです
English:Seems my wife is being trained by young boys
Vndb: https://vndb.org/v9265
Dlsite: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ067368.html
Use eromanga.exe to run.
I add a link to the game if anyone's interested.
I bought it myself.
I used exe file from previous game to crack it so dont't mind the icon.
and in parts:
【Free Single Link】【無料シングルリンク】Seduction Time 蠱惑の刻Kowaku no Toki
Release Year: 2014
Genres: mistic, thriller, violence, ahegao, x-ray, virginity, deflowering, impregnation, voyeurism
Video language: Japanese
Duration: 00:29:52, 00:29:36, 00:29:44, 00:28:14
Quality of video: HD
File size: 1.77 GB