[Socrates] Sonchou-san no Warudakumi THE MOVIE
[ソクラテス] 村長さんの悪だくみ THE MOVIE
1280×720 mp4, 3時間を超える3DCGムービー
Title / タイトル: 村長さんの悪だくみ THE MOVIE
Brand / ブランド: ソクラテス
Release / 販売日:2020.04.04
File size / ファイル容量: 2.51GB
Format: mp4
Language: Japanese
As title asks, what is the best Paypal-accepting Japanese product proxy service you have used for buying JPN goods like manga, anime, and games?
My definition of "best proxy" means final cost for the proxy's overall service fees are cheap, so like ZenMarket which charges only 300 yen service...