Artist/Circle: 踊り子愛好会 (Odoriko Aikoukai)
Series: 踊り子娼館~童貞の俺が踊り子のお姉さんにガチ恋してしまった話 Series:
Name: 踊り子娼館~童貞の俺が踊り子のお姉さんにガチ恋してしまった話(上) (First Half)
Note: Requesting as I can't find a share. I tried buying it myself but it seems my...
Sorry for the long title. I wanted to make it straightforward.
I'm looking for a compilation/collection of all [Past Gadget] HCG packs releases because a lot of them are old and are missing now almost with all links dead (spent hours searching lol). If any kind soul who has them all would be...