
  1. [Request] [Deluxe edition DLsite Ver] [Multi Languages] Sex-Loving Family / 【多言語版】完堕ちX寝取られ家族 ~アナタ、許して。私たち、浮気セックスに本気でハマっちゃったの~ [VJ01000864]

    [Request] [Deluxe edition DLsite Ver] [Multi Languages] Sex-Loving Family / 【多言語版】完堕ちX寝取られ家族 ~アナタ、許して。私たち、浮気セックスに本気でハマっちゃったの~ [VJ01000864]

    Original Title: Sex-Loving Family / 【多言語版】完堕ちX寝取られ家族 ~アナタ、許して。私たち、浮気セックスに本気でハマっちゃったの~ Release Date: Aug/25/2023 Artist/Circle name: POISON DLsite link: https://www.dlsite.com/pro/work/=/product_id/VJ01000864.html
  2. [Request] [HGGame] NTRマッサージマスター [RJ01119206]

    [Request] [HGGame] NTRマッサージマスター [RJ01119206]

    Original Title: NTRマッサージマスター Release Date: 2023/11/28 Artist/Circle name:HGGame DLsite link: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01119206.html
  3. C

    Having trouble purchasing on DLSite

    I use a VPN with IP Address located in JP everytime I go to DLSite. I was able to purchase games via my VISA card many time before, but recently when I try to buy some games with the same card I've been using, the webpage gets stuck on the verification page (some link starts with...
  4. M

    DLsite is no longer accessible for all of Germany

    Well, looks like DLsite was forced to remove access for Germany. Trying to visit the site nowadays leads to a "cloudfont blocked access" website. This also hits already existing consumers who complain that they lost access to all their purchased content, unless they use a VPN. While there is no...
  5. [Request] [RJ01101098] [Watosato] クイズ×RPG ちんちんぷんぷんちんぷんガクエン

    [Request] [RJ01101098] [Watosato] クイズ×RPG ちんちんぷんぷんちんぷんガクエン

    Game Title in Japanese: クイズ×RPG ちんちんぷんぷんちんぷんガクエン Romaji: Quiz x RPG Chin Chin Pun Pun Chin Pun Gakuen Release Date: Sep/23/2023 Official Site: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01101098.html
  6. [REQUEST]( RJ01100895 )男の娘剣士とネコミミの娘

    [REQUEST]( RJ01100895 )男の娘剣士とネコミミの娘

    Name: 男の娘剣士とネコミミの娘 Circle: WapiWapi Release Date: September 22, 2023 Link: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01100895.html
  7. Request for this game

    [Japanese] Request for this game

    Can someone provide link for this game : https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/dlaf/=/link/work/aid/vndb/id/RJ276464.html
  8. C

    One question about DLsite (jap)

    Good afternoon, I'm not sure if this question goes here, but I don't know where else to put it, sorry in advance if I'm wrong, does anyone know if there is a solution for the error or restriction that appears on the dlsite page when you want to buy some product and it sends the message that it...
  9. [REQUEST] [Pushpin rush] ぼくのヘンタイ夏休み [RJ434946]

    [REQUEST] [Pushpin rush] ぼくのヘンタイ夏休み [RJ434946]

    Title: ぼくのヘンタイ夏休み Romaji: Boku no Hen Tai Natsuyasumi Release Date: 2022/11/27 Dlsite Link: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ434946.html/?locale=en_US
  10. [REQUEST] [ぴーちえんじぇる] サクラお姉ちゃんとないしょの夏休み [RJ423954]

    [REQUEST] [ぴーちえんじぇる] サクラお姉ちゃんとないしょの夏休み [RJ423954]

    Title: サクラお姉ちゃんとないしょの夏休み Romaji: Sakura o Nēchan to Naisho no Natsuyasumi Release Date: 2022/08/27 Dlsite Link: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ423954.html
  11. [Request] サイコレズ先輩VS幼なじみ人妻

    [Request] サイコレズ先輩VS幼なじみ人妻

    Title: サイコレズ先輩VS幼なじみ人妻 / PsychoLesSenpai Vs Osananajimi Romaji: Saikorezu senpai vs osananajimi Circle:アマイ少女工房 Release: 2022/04/21 https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ381489.html Upload plz
  12. B

    Buy 10 for 10000 Yen DLsite sale

    DLsite is having a special sale for Astronaut and Tinkerbell/Wendybell. Buy 10 games for 10000 yen. Personally, I think it is a really good deal. Before this, Atelier Kaguya and other brands also did this special sale. Might want to keep a look out if interested in buying in bulk of games for...
  13. [REQUEST] ロボットが不具合を起こして大変です

    [REQUEST] ロボットが不具合を起こして大変です

    Information. Author: outroad Title: ロボットが不具合を起こして大変です Translated Title: Machine Man Malfunction Molestation Size: 38.81MB Download Links: 1. Haitenjp.com offers a free download link, the problem is that you need a rapidgator premium account, this is the download link. 2. This is the link to...
  14. [Request] [RJ277809] 競泳水着完全着衣 くいこみハメっくす。 相田咲

    [Request] [RJ277809] 競泳水着完全着衣 くいこみハメっくす。 相田咲

    Title: 競泳水着完全着衣 くいこみハメっくす。 相田咲 Circle: おーちゃ Release date: 2020/5/30 Requesting this CG pack please https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ277809.html
  15. [RJ276826]  あの…私の兄は勇者なんですけど、妹の私はどうやって生きていけば良いのでしょう?

    [RJ276826] あの…私の兄は勇者なんですけど、妹の私はどうやって生きていけば良いのでしょう?

    Title: あの…私の兄は勇者なんですけど、妹の私はどうやって生きていけば良いのでしょう? Romanji: Ano… watashi no ani wa yūshana ndesukedo, imōto no watashi wa dō yatte ikite ikeba yoi nodeshou? English: My Brother's a Hero, But What Should I Do...? Release Date: 1/31/20 Circle: VITAKAISER JP Dlsite...
  16. めがねできょにゅうなかのじょ (Glasses Girlfriend with Big Bosoms)

    めがねできょにゅうなかのじょ (Glasses Girlfriend with Big Bosoms)

    Original Title: めがねできょにゅうなかのじょ Romaji: Megane de Kyonyuu na Kanojo English: Glasses Girlfriend with Big Bosoms Release Date: 2020/01/11 Company, Producer: ヴィンセント (Vincent) DLsite link: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ275111.html Additionally you can add the VNDB link...
  17. [Request] 街の中には危険がいっぱい! (RJ137582)

    [Request] 街の中には危険がいっぱい! (RJ137582)

    Hi! I'm kinda new onto this thing, and I'd like to request this CG pack: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ137582.html Can someone please share it? Thanks for reading!
  18. Q

    Need help text hooking onto a game using the engine "Smile Game Builder."

    Found a really promising new game came out from dlsite, but I can't get any of my text hooks to work. I've tried AGTH and Translation Aggregator, but both hooks don't work. Another thread on ulmf said they tried VNR and Textractor, but with no luck either. The game's engine is apparently called...
  19. [Request] 痴漢の衝動if (Urge to molest "if") Version 2.00!

    [Request] 痴漢の衝動if (Urge to molest "if") Version 2.00!

    Original Title: 痴漢の衝動if Romaji: Urge to molest "if" Release Date: Apr/09/2019 Company, Producer: South Tree DLsite link: https://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE245378.html I'm aware that we have version 1.00, but version 2.00 has new content and I've yet to find it anywhere! Thanks.
  20. [RJ144379] SUPER 117 ~帰ってきた天気予報~(Ver1.8)

    [RJ144379] SUPER 117 ~帰ってきた天気予報~(Ver1.8)

    A new version has been released with additional characters in 2019/04/29 Haven't found 1.8 anywhere, only 1.7... https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ144379.html