
  1. [070628] [しゃんぐりら] 僕と極姉と海のYear!! 初回版

    [Japanese] [070628] [しゃんぐりら] 僕と極姉と海のYear!! 初回版

    僕と極姉と海のYear!! 初回版 Info: All links are Interchangeable Preview: ___________________________________
  2. [070629] [HOOK] HoneyComingーハニーカミングー 初回版

    [Japanese] [070629] [HOOK] HoneyComingーハニーカミングー 初回版

    HoneyComingーハニーカミングー 初回版 Info: All links are Interchangeable Preview: ___________________________________
  3. [Chihiro-Senketsu] Hidan no Aria AA

    [720p] [Chihiro-Senketsu] Hidan no Aria AA

    SERIESOriginal Name: 緋弾のアリアAA Alternative Name: Aria the Scarlet Ammo Double A, Hidan no Aria Double A, Ария по прозвищу "Алая Пуля" АА, 緋弾のアリアAA(ダブルエー) Aired: Oct 6, 2015 to Dec 22, 2015 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Adventure, School, Seinen, Shoujo Ai Producer: Doga Kobo, flying DOG...
  4. [Chihiro] Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst

    [720p] [Chihiro] Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst

    SERIESOriginal Name: 新妹魔王の契約者 BURST Alternative Name: The Testament of Sister New Devil: Burst Aired: Oct 10, 2015 to Dec 12, 2015 Episodes: 10 Categories: Action, Comedy, Demon, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Shounen Producer: Kadokawa Shoten, Nippon Columbia, Production IMS Group: Chihiro...
  5. [BlurayDesuYo] Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? [Bluray]

    [1080p] [BlurayDesuYo] Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? [Bluray]

    SERIESOriginal Name: 六畳間の侵略者!? Alternative Name: Invaders of the Rokujyouma?!, مهاجمانی از رکوجیما!؟ Aired: Jul 12, 2014 to Sep 27, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Comedy, Fantasy, Gainax Bounce, Harem, Magic, Pantsu, Parody, Romance, School, School Life, Supernatural Producer: Genco, Silver Link...
  6. [BlurayDesuYo] Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? [Bluray]

    [720p] [BlurayDesuYo] Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? [Bluray]

    SERIESOriginal Name: 六畳間の侵略者!? Alternative Name: Invaders of the Rokujyouma?!, مهاجمانی از رکوجیما!؟ Aired: Jul 12, 2014 to Sep 27, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Comedy, Fantasy, Gainax Bounce, Harem, Magic, Pantsu, Parody, Romance, School, School Life, Supernatural Producer: Genco, Silver Link...
  7. [ReDone] Wind: A Breath of Heart (2004)

    [480p] [ReDone] Wind: A Breath of Heart (2004)

    SERIESOriginal Name: Wind -a breath of heart- (2004) Alternative Name: Wind: A Breath of Heart (TV), WindTV, Ветер: Дыхание сердца Aired: Jun 30, 2004 to Sep 22, 2004 Episodes: 12 Categories: Comedy, Drama, Half-length Episodes, Romance, School, School Life, Seinen, Supernatural Producer: Rondo...
  8. [070921][CandySoft] すうぃと!

    [Japanese] [070921][CandySoft] すうぃと!

    すうぃと! Info: All links are Interchangeable Preview: ___________________________________
  9. [070921][Black Lilith] 魔女狩りの騎士~人格転移の檻

    [Japanese] [070921][Black Lilith] 魔女狩りの騎士~人格転移の檻

    魔女狩りの騎士~人格転移の檻 Info: All links are Interchangeable Preview: ___________________________________
  10. [070914][ANIM] 特警戦隊サイレンジャー

    [Japanese] [070914][ANIM] 特警戦隊サイレンジャー

    特警戦隊サイレンジャー Info: All links are Interchangeable Preview: ___________________________________
  11. [070914][BLACK PACKAGE TRY]肛戒~魔姦の刻印~

    [Japanese] [070914][BLACK PACKAGE TRY]肛戒~魔姦の刻印~

    肛戒~魔姦の刻印~ Info: All links are Interchangeable Preview: ___________________________________
  12. [Commie] Ani Tore! EX

    [720p] [Commie] Ani Tore! EX

    SERIESOriginal Name: あにトレ! EX Alternative Name: Anime de Training! EX, Anitore! EX Aired: Oct 13, 2015 to Dec 29, 2015 Episodes: 12 Categories: Comedy, Sports Producer: Earth Star Entertainment, F.M.F, Rising Force Group: Commie SUMMARY "Move your soul and body!" Each episode contains a...
  13. N

    suddenly can't download an eroge...

    PLEASE HELP ME!!!! VN's are my life... can't live without it.... i suddenly can't download any eroge games via torrent.. i tried reinstalling the torrent, chrome and even upgrading may laptop to win 10 but it doesn't work.. whenever i try to download(via vuze torrent) it always stuck at sending...
  14. [HorribleSubs] Hidan no Aria AA

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Hidan no Aria AA

    SERIESOriginal Name: 緋弾のアリアAA Alternative Name: Aria the Scarlet Ammo Double A, Hidan no Aria Double A, Ария по прозвищу "Алая Пуля" АА, 緋弾のアリアAA(ダブルエー) Aired: Oct 6, 2015 to Dec 22, 2015 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Adventure, School, Seinen, Shoujo Ai Producer: Doga Kobo, flying DOG...
  15. [HorribleSubs] Hidan no Aria AA

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Hidan no Aria AA

    SERIESOriginal Name: 緋弾のアリアAA Alternative Name: Aria the Scarlet Ammo Double A, Hidan no Aria Double A, Ария по прозвищу "Алая Пуля" АА, 緋弾のアリアAA(ダブルエー) Aired: Oct 6, 2015 to Dec 22, 2015 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Adventure, School, Seinen, Shoujo Ai Producer: Doga Kobo, flying DOG...
  16. [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka: Familia Myth [Bluray]

    [1080p] [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka: Familia Myth [Bluray]

    SERIESOriginal Name: ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか FAMILIA MYTH Alternative Name: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, DanMachi, Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka, Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka, Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru noha...
  17. [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka: Familia Myth [Bluray]

    [720p] [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka: Familia Myth [Bluray]

    SERIESOriginal Name: ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか FAMILIA MYTH Alternative Name: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, DanMachi, Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darouka, Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka, Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru noha...
  18. [HorribleSubs] Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid

    SERIESOriginal Name: VALKYRIE DRIVE -MERMAID- Alternative Name: ヴァルキリードライヴ マーメイド Aired: Oct 10, 2015 to Dec 26, 2015 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Shoujo Ai, Swordplay Producer: Arms, Genco Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY The "beautiful girl sexy battle action" anime is set on...
  19. [HorribleSubs] Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid

    SERIESOriginal Name: VALKYRIE DRIVE -MERMAID- Alternative Name: ヴァルキリードライヴ マーメイド Aired: Oct 10, 2015 to Dec 26, 2015 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Shoujo Ai, Swordplay Producer: Arms, Genco Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY The "beautiful girl sexy battle action" anime is set on...
  20. [HorribleSubs] Ani Tore! EX

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Ani Tore! EX

    SERIESOriginal Name: あにトレ! EX Alternative Name: Anime de Training! EX, Anitore! EX Aired: Oct 13, 2015 to Dec 29, 2015 Episodes: 12 Categories: Comedy, Sports Producer: Earth Star Entertainment, F.M.F, Rising Force Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY "Move your soul and body!" Each episode contains...