
  1. [E-D] Initial D: First Stage [Dual Audio]

    [480p] [E-D] Initial D: First Stage [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 頭文字[イニシャル]D Alternative Name: Initial D, ID1st, Initial D First Stage, IDFS, ID, Ini-D, IniD, イニD Aired: Apr 19, 1998 to Dec 6, 1998 Episodes: 26 Categories: Action, Cars, Motorsport, Seinen, Sports Producer: Fuji TV, OB Planning Group: E-D SUMMARY High...
  2. [E-D] Nabari no Ou [Dual Audio]

    [480p] [E-D] Nabari no Ou [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 隠の王 Alternative Name: Nabari no Oh, King of Nabari, Nabari, NnO, Владыка скрытого мира, Володар потаємного світу, 隐王 Aired: Apr 6, 2008 to Sep 28, 2008 Episodes: 26 Categories: Action, Bishounen, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Ninjas, Shounen, Supernatural Producer...
  3. [G_P] Kenpuu Denki Berserk [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [720p] [G_P] Kenpuu Denki Berserk [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 剣風伝奇ベルセルク Alternative Name: Berserk, KDB, Berserkas, Kenfu Denki Berserk, Leģendārais Paukotājs, Берсерк, นักรบวิปลาส, Берсерк, неустрашим войн, ברזרק, بيرسيرك, เบอร์เซิร์ค Aired: Oct 7, 1997 to Mar 31, 1998 Episodes: 25 Categories: Action, Adventure, Dark...
  4. [Coalgirls] Elfen Lied [Dual Audio] [Bluray] [UNCENSORED]

    [720p] [Coalgirls] Elfen Lied [Dual Audio] [Bluray] [UNCENSORED]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: エルフェンリート Alternative Name: Elf Şarkısı, Elfen Song, Elfia pieśń, Elfic Song, Pieśń elfów, elven song, Älvans Sång - Elfen Lied, Elfia pieseň, Елфска песен, Ельфійська пісня, إلفن ليد, 妖精的旋律, Эльфийская песнь, 엘펜리트 Aired: Jul 25, 2004 to Oct 17, 2004 Episodes: 13...
  5. [Doki] Kiki's Delivery Service [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [1080p] [Doki] Kiki's Delivery Service [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 魔女の宅急便 Alternative Name: Majo no Takkyuubin, Witch's Express Delivery, Kiki, MajoTaku, Kiki consegne a domicilio, Kiki kullerteenus, Kiki la petite sorcière, Kikin lähettipalvelu, Kikis expressbud, Kikės siuntų tarnyba, Küçük Cadı Kiki, Nicky, la aprendiz de...
  6. [Doki] Kiki's Delivery Service [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [720p] [Doki] Kiki's Delivery Service [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 魔女の宅急便 Alternative Name: Majo no Takkyuubin, Witch's Express Delivery, Kiki, MajoTaku, Kiki consegne a domicilio, Kiki kullerteenus, Kiki la petite sorcière, Kikin lähettipalvelu, Kikis expressbud, Kikės siuntų tarnyba, Küçük Cadı Kiki, Nicky, la aprendiz de...
  7. [Doki] Kiki's Delivery Service [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [480p] [Doki] Kiki's Delivery Service [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 魔女の宅急便 Alternative Name: Majo no Takkyuubin, Witch's Express Delivery, Kiki, MajoTaku, Kiki consegne a domicilio, Kiki kullerteenus, Kiki la petite sorcière, Kikin lähettipalvelu, Kikis expressbud, Kikės siuntų tarnyba, Küçük Cadı Kiki, Nicky, la aprendiz de...
  8. [ACX] Coyote Ragtime Show [Dual Audio]

    [480p] [ACX] Coyote Ragtime Show [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: コヨーテ ラグタイムショー Alternative Name: CRS, CRTS, Coyote, Койот рэгтайм, 星际海盗 Aired: Jul 4, 2006 to Sep 19, 2006 Episodes: 12 Categories: Action, Adventure, Androids, Comedy, Gunfights, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Underworld Producer: ufotable Group: ACX SUMMARY Mister...
  9. [BluDragon] Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [720p] [BluDragon] Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 精霊の守り人 Alternative Name: Seirei no Moribito, Guardian of the Sacred Spirit, Guardian of the Spirit, Moribito, Guardião do Espírito Sagrado, Vaimuvalvur, Šventosios dvasios saugotoja, Хранитель Священного Духа, 精灵守护者 Aired: Apr 7, 2007 to Sep 29, 2007 Episodes...
  10. [MW] Medabots [English Dub]

    [480p] [MW] Medabots [English Dub]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: メダロット Alternative Name: Medarot, מדבוט, Medaboty Aired: Jul 2, 1999 to Jun 30, 2000 Episodes: 52 Categories: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Proxy Battles, Sci-Fi, Shounen Producer: Bee Train, NAS, Nelvana, Production I.G Group: MW SUMMARY A boy named Ikki...
  11. [Temuchin] Macross Plus [Dual Audio]

    [480p] [Temuchin] Macross Plus [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: マクロスプラス Alternative Name: Макросс Плюс, Макрос плюс, MP Aired: Aug 25, 1994 to Jun 25, 1995 Episodes: 4 Categories: Action, Airforce, Drama, Love Polygon, Mecha, Military, Music, Piloted Robots, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Space Producer: Studio Nue Group...
  12. [W_B] Macross [Dual Audio]

    [480p] [W_B] Macross [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 超時空要塞マクロス Alternative Name: Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Choujikuu Yousai Macross, Cho Jiku Yosai Macross, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, SDF Macross, Robotech (U.S.), Fortaleza Superdimensional Macross, Fortezza Superdimensionale Macross, Guerra das...
  13. [Doki] Grave of the Fireflies [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [1080p] [Doki] Grave of the Fireflies [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 火垂るの墓 Alternative Name: Hotaru No Haka, Tombstone for Fireflies, GotF, HnH, Căn hầm đom đóm, Eldflugornas Grav, Grobowiec świetlików, Jaanimardikate haud, Jonvabalių kapas, La Tumba de las Luciérnagas, Le tombeau des lucioles, O Túmulo dos Vaga-Lumes...
  14. corocoro

    [720p] [Doki] Grave of the Fireflies [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 火垂るの墓 Alternative Name: Hotaru No Haka, Tombstone for Fireflies, GotF, HnH, Căn hầm đom đóm, Eldflugornas Grav, Grobowiec świetlików, Jaanimardikate haud, Jonvabalių kapas, La Tumba de las Luciérnagas, Le tombeau des lucioles, O Túmulo dos Vaga-Lumes...
  15. [LgB] C [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [720p] [LgB] C [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: C Alternative Name: C - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, C: The Money of Soul and Possibility, [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, پول (برگرفته از) جان و امکان کنترل, Control, [C], [C] - Control - The Money and Soul of Possibility Aired: Apr...
  16. [LgB] Hidan no Aria [Dual Audio] [Bluray] [UNCENSORED]

    [720p] [LgB] Hidan no Aria [Dual Audio] [Bluray] [UNCENSORED]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 緋弾のアリア Alternative Name: Aria the Scarlet Ammo, آریا، مهمات سرخ, Ария на Аления куршум, هیدان نو آریا, 绯弹的亚莉亚 Aired: Apr 15, 2011 to Jul 1, 2011 Episodes: 12 + 1 Categories: Action, Comedy, Harem, Law and Order, Romance, School Life, Seinen, Special Squads...
  17. [OZC] Mobile Suit SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [1080p] [OZC] Mobile Suit SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: SDガンダム三国伝 Brave Battle Warriors Alternative Name: SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriors, BB Senshi Aired: Apr 3, 2010 to Mar 19, 2011 Episodes: 51 Categories: Action, Adventure, Feudal Warfare, Martial Arts, Mecha, Shounen, Swordplay Producer: Sunrise, TV...
  18. [E-D] Murder Princess [Dual Audio]

    [480p] [E-D] Murder Princess [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: MURDER PRINCESS Alternative Name: Смертоносная принцесса, マーダー プリンセス, 杀戮公主, 虐杀姬 Aired: Mar 28, 2007 to Aug 29, 2007 Episodes: 6 Categories: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manga, Post-apocalypse, Seinen Producer: Bee Train, Marvelous Entertainment Group: E-D...
  19. [E-D] VanDread the Second Stage [Dual Audio]

    [360p] [E-D] VanDread the Second Stage [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: ヴァンドレッド the second stage Alternative Name: VanDread 2, VanDread 2nd Stage, VS, VanDread 2, Вандред : Втори Сезон, Вандред: другий рівень, فاندريد 2, Вандред: Второй уровень Aired: Oct 5, 2001 to Jan 18, 2002 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Aliens, Ecchi...
  20. [E-D] VanDread [Dual Audio]

    [360p] [E-D] VanDread [Dual Audio]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: ヴァンドレッド Alternative Name: Vandread Stage One, Vandread First Stage, فاندريد, Вандред Aired: Oct 3, 2000 to Dec 19, 2000 Episodes: 13 Categories: Action, Aliens, Ecchi, Humanoid, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Space, Transforming Robots Producer: Gonzo Group: E-D...