Title: Shion no Ketsuzoku ~Kono Futashika na Sekai to Tenshitachi no Rondo~
Original Title: シオンの血族 ~この不確かな世界と天使達の輪舞曲~
Release Date: 22/09/2011
Compagny: Catwalk
Getchu: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=710947&gc=gc
Official Website: http://catwalk.product.co.jp/products/sion/index.htm
Title: Sucre ~sweet and charming time for you~
Original Title: シュクレ ~sweet and charming time for you~
Release Date: 22/09/2011
Compagny: Giga!
Getchu: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=710906
Official Website: http://products.web-giga.com/sucre/index.html
VNDB: http://vndb.org/v7230
Title: Onigokko! Fandisc
Original Title: 鬼ごっこ! ファンディスク
Release Date: 30/09/2011
Compagny: Alcot
Getchu: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=714064
Official Website: http://www.alcot.biz/product/oni_fd/index.html
VNDB: http://vndb.org/v7625
This is the fandisk to Onigokko...