Hi there everyone. I would like to ask some of the veteran eroge players here a short list of eroges with Ojou-sama characters. Preferably, I would like them to speak sentences ending with "desu wa" and "desu no", like for example Remiria in the new game Unionism Quartet, as well as using...
Hi there guys, can anyone recommend a list of released or yet-to-be-released eroges with heroines that dislikes/hates men? A story where they finally opens up to the hero and gets over their prejudice of men in general would be one story I would like to read. Now if I'm not mistaken, there are...
Original Title: PIA♥キャロットへようこそ!!G.O (standard edition or complete box edition)
Romaji: PIA Kyarroto e youkoso!! G.O
Developer:Cocktail Soft
Released Date: 2006-06-30
Requesting "Pia Carrot e Youkosu Grand Opening" (standard edition or complete...
i need help i don't know whats the serial code 4 http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/hentai-games-38/japanese-%5B130524%5D%5Bfront-wing%5D-grisaia-no-rakuen%7C%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B6%E3%82%A4%E3%82%A2%E3%81%AE%E6%A5%BD%E5%9C%92-le-eden-de-la-grisaia-232300/ can someone help me?
Opening up a new thread to discuss on what eroge game companies are our personal favs, along with the reasons why we like those companies (e.g: They make most of the eroges that I like, their artwork and stories of their games are constantly good, etc...)..
As for me, the eroge game companies...
Original Title: 少女@オンライン
Release Date: 2014/04/23
Producer: ゆりうさぎ
dlsite link:http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ133323/?unique_op=af
If someone can find it, or at least relevant information about it, enlight me, please.
I'm not entirely sure this is where it would be best to post this inquiry, but here goes.
Every Eushully game I play (Himegari, Kamidori, etc) the game will work perfectly fine until I get into a map and when I step on anything (treasure icon, recovery feather, mob) the game will momentarily...
Kinda got my curiosity, so, anyone who could know what's the name of this eroge (if any), I'd appreciate it.
Need Help Installing (040213) [Multi hosting] 淑女の艶事~人妻・未亡人の濡れた唇、身体の疼き~ SOLVED (No-DVD now needed)
I don't know if this is the right place or if anyone still has the game, but after downloading the files here from the request and downloads section (2 files part 1 and 2) and extracting them I...
[Ask] Some recommendation on interactive games?
been playing some H- Interactive game in the past but I only found a few only. mostly on funny-game. (online/ short flash game only)
I tried to search online but seem typing the word "interactive" doesnt help much (even in forum), and I...
Help Identifying These Hentai Works' Images!
I have some images I found that I cannot trace back to their origins; if anyone can identify any of their individual origins, whether to eroge or pixiv art, then please specify their names !~
The images are numbered with a number at the side, so...
Hi, everyone, i found some awesome "reverse rape" images, but i couldn´t find the names of the visual novels which they belong to. I would be grateful if someone helped me. Nevertheless, if you just happened to find a few of them, it is fine.
By the way, i have already tried to use google...
I downloaded some games from links I found on a thread in this site. The games were Hitomi - My Stepsister and Let's Meow Meow. Hitomi is broken up into 2 .mdf files and 2 .mds files. Let's Meow Meow is a .iso file. I am using Daemon Tools Lite to try and open them. Hitomi tells me that I...
Name: 友達のママ達と!! ~二人のママと少年達とのセックスレッスン
Release date: 2014/05/30
ID: unknown maybe 4582102513924
Genre: Mother ムチムチママとの濃厚セックスADV
Link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=811989
Its got two games in it I think.
This is quite old now and it seems rare doesn't exist anywhere.