Title: Musou Sentai Itemaunjya
Artist: Kira Hiroyoshi
Circle: Original Work
Type: Manga
Censored: No
Translator: Pineapples r' Us
Language: English
Categories: Big Breasts, Futanari, Tentacles, Group, Monster,
Released: 2010-03-17
Publisher: Angel Publishing
Pages: 127
Info: 1110Pix, 1600Pix...
Well, in where i live it's impossible to found the hentai mangas that i'm looking for, but i know that there are some sites on the internet to buy them. Specifically looking for Futanari Roshutsu Mania, from the circle of Futanarun
My question is, what are the best pages to buy them ?
so yeah what are your thoughts about futanari ?
its highly frowned upon by lots of people
other find it beautiful and other just find it simply divine
i noticed some titles here some games etc
but never a thread to discuss it
the reason for this thread is purely to talk about it and...
Several years had passed after Walpugis Night, consecutive bizarre murder cases occurred in the metropolitan. The discovered dead bodies are couples considered to be murdered during sexual intercourse. The women didn't have external injury, but men were completely burned and...
At a harmless looking College, the teachers and staff are practicing a dark religion. By devoting their bodies to perversity, they chant their dark spells and control the lusts of the student body.
Everywhere the students turn, they are drawn to acts of perversion, even in public...