
  1. Blizzard884

    Amairo IsleNauts TL/TLC needed

    Hello community! We are working on Amairo IsleNauts game and we desperately need another TL and/or TLC. If interested shoot me a PM here or visit
  2. Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai 5 / えろげー!Hもゲームも開発三昧 ~み、みんなが見ている前

    [Japanese] Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai 5 / えろげー!Hもゲームも開発三昧 ~み、みんなが見ている前

    Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai 5 えろげー!Hもゲームも開発三昧 ~み、みんなが見ている前 00:29:44, 275MB Release: 2014.05.30 Format: mp4 Language: Japanese
  3. [Request] (RJ135050) 淫乱巨乳エルフと触手達の論舞曲

    [Request] (RJ135050) 淫乱巨乳エルフと触手達の論舞曲

    Can anyone share this game please?

    [Album] VA - DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST- [MP3]

    DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST- ディアボリックラバーズ ブラッディソングス スーパーベスト Info vgmdb Catalog No.: N/A Label/Distributor: Rejet Released: May 21, 2014 CD: 173 MB Composed by: MIKOTO Arranged by: Yuuji Hamasaki Performed by: Hikaru Midorikawa, Yuki Kaji, Daisuke Hirakawa, Takashi Kondo, Kosuke...
  5. Tsurugawa Mizuki

    Help Me For This Hentai Game (ポケットギャルハンター)..!!!

    Hello All This Is My First Post I Has Been Play ポケットギャルハンター (Pocket Gal Hunter)...
  6. andar5


    I try to play sengoku hime 4 but the game engine always broken :( Is there are anyone can help?
  7. Z

    Problem While Playing [ALICESOFT] 妻みぐい2 (TsumaMigui 2)

    I've encountered a problem while playing the game. In the middle of my enjoyment an error comes out saying something like CMemory::Alloc()?????????? and then ??????SACT CG?????? CG????? (2420). What does this mean and how do I resolve it? Please help me.
  8. S

    PearlDymes [W.I.P. rpg/breeding game]

    Hello everybody, We heard a lot of people on this forum like ero-games, so we thought we should let you know about a game we're currently developing. We're Studio Pantisniff, a fairly new studio consisting of hentai artists and game developers. We have released hentai artwork online and...
  9. [HorribleSubs] Oreca Battle

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Oreca Battle

    SERIESOriginal Name: オレカバトル Alternative Name: Aired: Apr 7, 2014 to Mar 30, 2015 Episodes: 51 Categories: Game Producer: Oriental Light and Magic, Xebec Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he...
  10. [HorribleSubs] Oreca Battle

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Oreca Battle

    SERIESOriginal Name: オレカバトル Alternative Name: Aired: Apr 7, 2014 to Mar 30, 2015 Episodes: 51 Categories: Game Producer: Oriental Light and Magic, Xebec Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he...
  11. [HorribleSubs] Hero Bank

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Hero Bank

    SERIESOriginal Name: ヒーローバンク Alternative Name: Herobank Aired: Apr 7, 2014 to Mar 30, 2015 Episodes: 51 Categories: Game, Kids Producer: Sega Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY In Big Money City, players participate in "Hero Battles" using Bankfon Gs, which allows them to rent powerful hero suits...
  12. [HorribleSubs] Hero Bank

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Hero Bank

    SERIESOriginal Name: ヒーローバンク Alternative Name: Herobank Aired: Apr 7, 2014 to Mar 30, 2015 Episodes: 51 Categories: Game, Kids Producer: Sega Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY In Big Money City, players participate in "Hero Battles" using Bankfon Gs, which allows them to rent powerful hero suits...
  13. [Asenshi] Selector Infected Wixoss

    [720p] [Asenshi] Selector Infected Wixoss

    SERIESOriginal Name: selector infected WIXOSS Alternative Name: セレクター infected WIXOSS Aired: Apr 4, 2014 to Jun 20, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Angst, Coming of Age, Game, Proxy Battles, Psychological, Seinen, Tragedy Producer: J.C.Staff, Warner Bros. Group: Asenshi SUMMARY WIXOSS is a...
  14. [HorribleSubs] Selector Infected Wixoss

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Selector Infected Wixoss

    SERIESOriginal Name: selector infected WIXOSS Alternative Name: セレクター infected WIXOSS Aired: Apr 4, 2014 to Jun 20, 2014 Episodes: 12 Categories: Angst, Coming of Age, Game, Proxy Battles, Psychological, Seinen, Tragedy Producer: J.C.Staff, Warner Bros. Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY WIXOSS is...
  15. [HorribleSubs] Majin Bone

    [1080p] [HorribleSubs] Majin Bone

    SERIESOriginal Name: マジンボーン Alternative Name: - Aired: Apr 1, 2014 to Mar 31, 2015 Episodes: 52 Categories: Game, Shounen Producer: Toei Animation Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY Majin, the creator of the Universe, has been resurrected in the present day. Shougo Ryuujin, an ordinary high school...
  16. [HorribleSubs] Majin Bone

    [720p] [HorribleSubs] Majin Bone

    SERIESOriginal Name: マジンボーン Alternative Name: - Aired: Apr 1, 2014 to Mar 31, 2015 Episodes: 52 Categories: Game, Shounen Producer: Toei Animation Group: HorribleSubs SUMMARY Majin, the creator of the Universe, has been resurrected in the present day. Shougo Ryuujin, an ordinary high school...
  17. [Shimimaru] QUEENS GAME / [紙魚丸] QUEENS GAME -クイーンズゲーム-

    [Japanese] [Shimimaru] QUEENS GAME / [紙魚丸] QUEENS GAME -クイーンズゲーム-

    [Shimimaru] QUEENS GAME [紙魚丸] QUEENS GAME -クイーンズゲーム- 202 Pages, 110MB, 1380×2000 Type: Manga Hentai Language: Japanese :eek:
  18. Request [赤線街路 ~昭和33年の初雪~] (Akasen Gairo)

    Request [赤線街路 ~昭和33年の初雪~] (Akasen Gairo)

    Original title : 赤線街路 ~昭和33年の初雪~ Romaji: Akasen Gairo ~Shouwa 33nen no Hatsuyuki~ Release Date: 11-30-2007 Company: C-Side Requesting this game please!~
  19. [REQUEST] [060602][Puzzlebox] 叔母の寝室

    [REQUEST] [060602][Puzzlebox] 叔母の寝室

    Original Title: 叔母の寝室 Romaji: Oba no Shinsetsu Release Date: 2006/06/02 Company/Producer: Puzzlebox Getchu Link: All links I found are dead. Somebody please post a working link. Or a torrent link.
  20. R

    Steam Game GIVEAWAY (Any game <USD$30)

    こんにちはです!( ^ω^)ノシ I am buying a game for ONE lucky person on Steam, just because (ry I will buy and send the game to you, this is a promise. Requirements: 1. You must have a Steam account(Of course) 2. You must have been registered on the forums for more than a week. Rules: 1. Only post your...