
  1. [Request] [Delta] 晒され妻~ダメなのに恥辱に喘ぐ友人の母~

    [Request] [Delta] 晒され妻~ダメなのに恥辱に喘ぐ友人の母~

    Title: 晒され妻~ダメなのに恥辱に喘ぐ友人の母~ Company: Delta Release date: 2010/03/26 Getchu: Help Me! I can't find this game, links down and torrents without seed :(
  2. E

    need help with a game

    i download 乳フェチ2 ツンデレIcup レースクイーン理沙~パイズリ編~ and This message appears when you try to install it anyone know how to fix it ?
  3. B

    can anyone help me find this walkthrough? Game - [Innocent Gray] - Flowers

    This game in particular possess too many choices O.o.... I have had previous bad experiences with Trial and Error method, so if anyone knows anything Please let me know, I keep thinking this game has only 2 routes.
  4. S

    Can't get Taimanin Asagi 2 save data to work

    I was wondering if someone could help me out as I am having trouble getting the save data for Taimanin Asagi 2 to work. When I put the save data into the folder and start the game it works fine but only gives me these scenes ect shown here: But...
  5. D

    ID this hentai please

    So I've been looking all over and can't figure what this hentai is from. I feel like I've seen it, but I can't find it in my a little help will be appreciated :)
  6. J

    Can anybody help me to find out what name this hentai has? Hello does anybody know the name of this one? I really want to know it :)
  7. [Request]淫夢迷路~熟女とJKを犯し征服せよ


    •Original Title:淫夢迷路~熟女とJKを犯し征服せよ •Romaji:SEX MAZE the Animation •Released Date:2014/12/19 •Company, Producer: No Such Agency •Getchu link:
  8. tadams587

    [Request].... need help finding the name of an anime.

    A long while ago I watched an episode of an anime/hentai, but I can't remember it's name & most of the plot of what I watched. I say anime/hentai because I can't remember if it was anime or hentai. I do remember the main character was an escorting someone of nobility somewhere, and he/she...
  9. D

    Need help figuring out what these 2 pics are from. :3

    Here are they are, thanks in advance.
  10. kiza90

    [HELP] Games with this character

    Hi, im looking for a character(s) that look like similar or the same as this one: Anime with character(s) like this is also welcome. NOTE: this character i showed is from taimanin...
  11. A

    Help Fiding Game

    Before losing my old files, I had flash game featuring My Sunshine Art was very similar to this: It also had other characters and it was pretty random If I remember well, it didn't exactly have a plot, but part of it was about My Sunshine getting...
  12. T

    [HELP NEEDED] ITH not displaying Japanese characters properly

    I downloaded and installed the recently-released game Haruka Kanata (by SORAHANE). When I hooked up the thread into ITH, I could only get gibberish like ዂዂᘝᘝዂዂᘝᘝ ƃƃƃƃƻƻƻƻƕƕƕƕƘƘƘƘήήήήƯƯƯƯǑǡƄ ƸǡƮƱƭǛƔŹƐǚƽé ዂᘝዂᘝ ƃƘήƯǑᲾƄ My system locale and location are both set to Japan/Japanese already, and...
  13. S

    kamidori alchemist meister help

    i'm stuck at the illusice cliff, has anybody tips for me so i can clear this level fast and easy (or at least clear it)?
  14. andar5


    I try to play sengoku hime 4 but the game engine always broken :( Is there are anyone can help?
  15. M

    Hey guys I need some help to play my first eroge. Hi, I'm pretty much new to the site and Osananajimi wa Daitouryou is the first eroge I downloaded from the internet. I tried to download from AS, but rar. files were either empty or could not be opened by using Alzip program (Yes, I'm a...
  16. H

    need help identifying this

    does anyone know who the artist of this evangelion image is? Any help is appreciated.
  17. D

    Help identifying this manga?

    Does anyone know the name of that manga where the MC is a guy and suddenly a 100 ninjas show up led by a black haired ninja girl at his house and she tells him he's their master and he has to battle other clans. I remember it was shounen comedy and something else but I can't remember the name...
  18. catanx


    hello everyone.....i don't know if this is the right corner to discuss it.....but i need some help.....i already download Aneimo 2 H's Motto H ni Step Up! but i can't start the game.....need insert the game can anyone help me to find the...
  19. zad38

    help me remember?

    i asked this in the past between a few friends but got nowhere, so i hope someone can help me remember the name of an anime! here are some of the facts i believe i remember. the protagonist lives with at least one girl might be more it's an exorcism type anime, i believe. in one episode, a...
  20. S

    Need help on the Erogos In Series games

    Hello. If any of yall have played the In Series games by Erogos, can you tell me how to unlock the extra scenes that are still unlockable after you finish it once? I cant figure it out for the life of me. Thanks