
  1. Fuyuiro

    School Days

    Associated Names スクールデイズ Genre Drama, Psychological, Romance, School Life, Shounen, Tragedy Description The story revolves around a love triangle between the male protagonist, Makoto, and two girls in his year, Kotonoha and Sekai. Makoto develops an interest in Kotonoha, and although they...
  2. Tessu

    [1080p] Bakemonogatari - CoalGirls

    Bakemonogatari SERIES INFORMATION Year: 03.07.2009 till 25.09.2009 Episodes: 15 Categories: Supernatural, Romance, Comedy, Metahumor, Mystery, Harem, Psychological Producer: SHAFT FILE INFORMATION Group: CoalGirls / Koharubi and pem Video: h264 - Bitrate: 7000 kBit/s Audio: 2.0 FLAC...