
  1. [DRT!](同人ソフト)(C78)[苺兄貴][100822] CLANNAD RPG

    [DRT!](同人ソフト)(C78)[苺兄貴][100822] CLANNAD RPG

    Something that i bought just today... Hope you like it. First release from DRT!(Doujin Release Time!) a group I created where a few people and me want to share this with you and more to come next month! (同人ソフト)(C78)[苺兄貴][100822] CLANNAD RPG Release Date: 2010/08/22 File Size: 83.99MB Title...
  2. [141031][ティルウィンク]魔法少女るちあ ~マギ・ムチロリ~[RJ143935]

    [Japanese] [141031][ティルウィンク]魔法少女るちあ ~マギ・ムチロリ~[RJ143935]

    魔法少女るちあ ~マギ・ムチロリ~ Mahou Shoujo Ruchia ~MAGI・MUCHIRORI~ Release Date: October 31, 2014 Circle: ティルウィンク DLSite Download Links: Mega Freakshare
  3. [92%] MAGIC -destination of heat-

    [Japanese] [92%] MAGIC -destination of heat-

    Romaji/Original - MAGIC -destination of heat- Translation - Magic - Destination Of Heat Info - LINK Genre - HGame // Animated // ADV // Interactive // RPG Voice/Text – japanese // japanese Size - 298 MB Parts - 1 ==================== Hoster - Upstore.net Censorship - yes...
  4. [92%] エリカ☆クエスト

    [Japanese] [92%] エリカ☆クエスト

    Romaji/Original - エリカ☆クエスト Translation - Erika ☆ Quest Info - LINK Genre - HGame // ADV // Animated // Interactive // RPG Voice/Text – japanese // japanese Size - 175 MB Parts - 1 ==================== Hoster - Upstore.net Censorship - yes ====================...
  5. [93%] リナと願いのクリスタル

    [Japanese] [93%] リナと願いのクリスタル

    Romaji/Original - リナと願いのクリスタル Translation - Lina's Crystal Wishes - Version 1.02 Info - LINK Genre - HGame // ADV // Animated // Interactive // RPG Voice/Text – japanese // japanese Size - 401 MB Parts - 1 ==================== Hoster - Upstore.net Censorship - yes...
  6. [92%] ノヴァール冒険記~6つの鍵とうつろう女~

    [Japanese] [92%] ノヴァール冒険記~6つの鍵とうつろう女~

    Romaji/Original - ノヴァール冒険記~6つの鍵とうつろう女~ Translation - Erratic Woman Info - LINK Genre - HGame // ADV // Animated // Interactive // RPG Voice/Text – japanese // japanese Size - 154 MB Parts - 1 ==================== Hoster - Upstore.net Censorship - yes ====================...
  7. [94%] シズミルク ルシマ島の女神

    [Japanese] [94%] シズミルク ルシマ島の女神

    Romaji/Original - シズミルク ルシマ島の女神 Translation - Goddess Of Kurushima Island Info - LINK Genre - HGame // ADV // Animated // Interactive // RPG Voice/Text – japanese // japanese Size - 248 MB Parts - 1 ==================== Hoster - Upstore.net Censorship - yes ====================...
  8. [Request] (RJ135050) 淫乱巨乳エルフと触手達の論舞曲

    [Request] (RJ135050) 淫乱巨乳エルフと触手達の論舞曲

    Can anyone share this game please? http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ135050.html
  9. [BluDragon] Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [720p] [BluDragon] Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 劇場版 ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール ディアルガvsパルキアvsダークライ Alternative Name: Pokemon: Movie 10, Pokémon: Der Aufstieg von Darkrai, Gekijouban Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai, Pokemon Movie 10, Сражение Диаруги, Парукии и Даркрая, ポケットモンスター...
  10. [BluDragon] Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [720p] [BluDragon] Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 劇場版 ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール アルセウス 超克の時空へ Alternative Name: Gekijouban Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl: Arceus - Choukoku no Jikuu e, Gekijouban Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl: Choukoku no Jikuu e, Pokemon Movie 12, Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie: To the...
  11. [BluDragon] Pokemon: Giratina & the Sky Warrior [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [720p] [BluDragon] Pokemon: Giratina & the Sky Warrior [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 劇場版 ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール ギラティナと氷空の花束 シェイミ Alternative Name: Gekijouban Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl: Giratina to Sora no Hanataba Shaymin, Pokemon Movie 11, Pokemon Diamond & Pearl the Movie: Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Sheimi, Pocket Monsters Diamond &...
  12. [REQUEST-ing][ブラックメタルu-1] 巨乳クエストI & II

    [REQUEST-ing][ブラックメタルu-1] 巨乳クエストI & II

    Tried to find these 2 games for a long time........ either file not found or wrong files.... Anyone help? If anyone has a link or the game file, please share it with me? Many thanks!! ~Ham~...
  13. [Request] 新米チェルシーのヌチャメチャ初任務! VERSION 1.02

    [Request] 新米チェルシーのヌチャメチャ初任務! VERSION 1.02

    Original Title: 新米チェルシーのヌチャメチャ初任務! version 1.02 Original Released Date: 2013-11-25 Company: さくらひいろ DLSite Link: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ125617.html I realize there are links to the original game all over the place already (as well as a torrent on nyaa), but I'm looking...
  14. Umbra Mortis

    Looking for new Rpgs

    Since I'm getting paid soon I was thinking of picking up some new rpgs for the ps3 and am wondering what would be some good ones? I already own. Tales of Graces F and Tales of Xilla which I picked up eariler this year.
  15. REQUEST 奴隷姫の受難曲

    REQUEST 奴隷姫の受難曲

    Original Title:奴隷姫の受難曲 Romaji:dorei-hime-no-junan-kyoku Released Date:12/05/2012 Company, Producer:ツクヨミ・プロムナード(tsukuyomi-promenade) Getchu link:http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ103371.html Newest version please.
  16. corocoro

    [720p] [Doki] Pokemon: The Origin

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: ポケットモンスター THE ORIGIN Alternative Name: Pocket Monsters: The Origin, Pokemon: Origins, Pokémon : les origines, Pokémon Le origini, Pokémon Origins, Pokémon: los orígenes, Покемоны: Начало, ポケットモンスター ジ・オリジン Aired: Oct 2, 2013 Episodes: 4 Categories: Adventure...
  17. [EeveeTaku] Pokemon: The Origin

    [720p] [EeveeTaku] Pokemon: The Origin

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: ポケットモンスター THE ORIGIN Alternative Name: Pocket Monsters: The Origin, Pokemon: Origins, Pokémon : les origines, Pokémon Le origini, Pokémon Origins, Pokémon: los orígenes, Покемоны: Начало, ポケットモンスター ジ・オリジン Aired: Oct 2, 2013 Episodes: 4 Categories: Adventure...
  18. [BluDragon] Pokemon - Zoroark: Master of Illusions [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    [720p] [BluDragon] Pokemon - Zoroark: Master of Illusions [Dual Audio] [Bluray]

    SERIES INFORMATION Original Name: 劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール 幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク Alternative Name: Gekijouban Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl: Gen'ei no Hasha Zoroark, Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie: Phantom Ruler: Zoroark, Pokemon: Movie 13, Pokemon: Phantom Ruler Zoroark, Pokemon: Zoroark...
  19. MadSova

    『Final Fantasy XIV ASF Free Company』

    『Hi everyone. If you decide to play FFXIV:ARR and want to play with us, you are welcome to our ASF(?) FC called Beacon of Madness. FC is located on Moogle world so if you plan to join, create your character or transfer him/her (if you already have 1) there. We are doing all sorts of contents...
  20. renano

    RPG Drawing & Photoshop Contest ~The Quest for the Legendary Chopsticks!~ OPEN

    RPG Drawing & Photoshop Contest ~The Quest for the Legendary Chopsticks!~ [VOTE - POLL OPENED!] VOTE! POLL NOW OPENED! You have one week to vote! Apology for Absence Hello dear friends. I know this thread has been here for quite a while and there is a possibility that no one shall...