Title: 明るく元気で甘えん坊ないもうと / Love Whisper - Younger Sister 01
Circle: MooNSHINeR
Post exists but uploader is useless.
Title: 妹の風邪をうつしてもらおう / Let's catch sister's cold
Circle: everestpeak
妹の風邪をうつしてもらおう (RJ059168) - https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ059168.html
There are mp3 or WAV formats, but it's not much important.
Title: 引引きこもり少女と過ごす、ゲーマーな休日の一コマ。 / Scenes from a Weekend with a Shut-In Gamer Girl
Circle: ぺーるとーんれいんぼぅすたー / PaleTone_RainbowStar
Title: 囁きシリーズその禄~超耳元であいしてる~ / Whisper Series 6: Love is in the Ear
Circle: あぐふぐヴェッチャーズ / Agufugu Butchers
Artist/Circle: 踊り子愛好会 (Odoriko Aikoukai)
Series: 踊り子娼館~童貞の俺が踊り子のお姉さんにガチ恋してしまった話 Series:
Name: 踊り子娼館~童貞の俺が踊り子のお姉さんにガチ恋してしまった話(上) (First Half)
Link: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ280807.html
Note: Requesting as I can't find a share. I tried buying it myself but it seems my...
Title: 添い寝彼女~弟を性的な目で見ちゃダメですか?~ / Sleep Together GF ~Can I Not Look at My Younger Brother Sexually?~
Circle: Pure Cherry
Title: アリス・マーガトロイドのドキドキご奉仕ディスク(ボーナストラック!!)
Circle: アールグレイ
well... since there is RJ260584 it feels somehow empty w/out this addition.
Title: 脳天気な妹は大好きなお兄ちゃんとイチャイチャする
Circle: Aボイス
since all the links are dead, maybe someone could share this?
well, so... it's a series request so it's pretty big. still, I hope these still exist.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ199090.html - お休み前にちょっとだけ
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ219698.html - お休み前にちょっとだけ2...
Title: 白い悪魔、転生の羽 -rebirth of wing-
Circle: C-LoveR
In case someone is interested, this work belongs to series with this one: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ281390.html
This here is the series...
After Class 1-3 {Eng sub}[Dual Audio : English/Japanese]
Title : After Class 1-3
Censored : no
Subtitle : English
Audio : Dual[English / japanese]
After Class 1
Download link:
After Class 2
Download link...