Original Title: H大好きなお姉さんが僕の家に泊まりに来て体がもちそうにない。
Romaji: H Daisuki na Oneesan ga Boku no Ie ni Tomarinikite Karada ga Mochisouni Nai.
Released Date: 2013-06-25
Company, Producer: ハトマメ (Hatomame)
Digiket link: http://www.digiket.com/work/show/_data/ID=ITM0086501/
Someone uploaded it once, but the...
Shota ; a small, cute guy, that you can find in otome games and anime... ♥ The example is shouta fukami from otometeki koi kakumei or in anime, ciel phantomhive's black butler. Which one do you like?
[Mikami Hokuto] White Drop
[みかみ北都] ホワイト・ドロップ
182 Pages, 54MB, 1186×1700
Type: Manga Hentai
Language: Japanese